Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday's Journey

260. I love how my child explores. He was drawing his solar system yesterday and I was just smiling at his story he told. My favorite part was " God sent the colors to the solar system manager...". ;-)

261. I love that my son loves Science. I always have and it is my favorite part. Science and American history...

262. Excited that we get to do an experiment this week.

263. Thankful for the friends God has blessed me with. Though we are near or far, some of us have never "met", God has blessed me with you all.

264. Playing with my son and husband until we are all laughing so hard we can't breathe. Those are the good times.

265. Discovering that learning doesn't have to be done in a classroom. Learning is all around us and learning doesn't mean sitting down and writing for hours.

266. Hearing my son read his books. He is reading the beginner books and doing well.

267. Watching that light bulb come on when Boo Bear grasps an idea he was struggling with.

268. Thankful for my supportive hubby.

269. I am learning just as much as Boo Bear is in our homeschool. I am thankful that God is working on those OCD tendencies of mine and teaching me things however much I fight them.

270. Cranberry Orange Bread. yummm

271. Learning that there are really other mother's out there like me. That I don't HAVE to be Super Mom as long as he THINKS I am. ;-)

272. Family...

273. Puzzle time with my guys.

274. Playing/Dancing in the rain.

275. The fact that my son will pick a Nova Science video over other cartoons to watch.

276. Connecting with other bloggers and women out there in the cyber world that offer so much encouragement and experience. You guys are truly a blessing.

277. For my parents- Thankful that they support me in all I do and are there to encourage me when I get down. Love you!

278. Planning field trips...

279. Thankful for a new job I got this week. God is AWESOME! (Just in case you didn't know that )

Join me each week on our Tuesday's Journey to 1000 gifts. We are moving right along. If you have a journey then please share it with us! I would love to see how you are doing! :) Happy Tuesday!!


  1. love the "planning field trips" too! nice-

  2. thankful this week for the bible study I have started with other ladies in my church. (Beth Moore, Breaking Free) Fellowship, faith and fudge brownies. who could ask for more!?


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