- Meeting new friends. This week we met a new family at the park and really enjoyed getting to know them. We are also meeting another new family tomorrow that homeschools and they have boys close to Boo Bear's age.
- Reconnecting with old friends. My kiddo talked to his BFF yesterday for almost an hour and a half. They had not talked since October and these two little five year olds talked, and talked, and talked some more ;) It was great and made this mama's heart feel good to know they were enjoying the time and listening to their little voices.
- My wonderful hubby. This week was my birthday and he did a wonderful job. :) He cooked me a wonderful meal, bought me a gift card and he conspired with my mom to make a cover for my new stand mixer he got me for Christmas. It was awesome! SO thankful to have such a hard working, loving, caring and awesome guy in my life.
- God's grace. No matter how many times I fail or fall He is there with open arms to pick me up and help me. He never leaves me or forsakes me. He guides me and leads me and I just have to follow. He always answers our prayers even if it's not what we wanted to hear. Sometimes with a no, sometimes yes and sometime with a not right now... Thank You for your guidance, love, mercy and compassion. Help me show this to the world around me. :)
-Homeschool support groups online. I have really been making some great contacts online this week and even in person. I am so thankful that there are so many opportunities to learn and share with each other. So, what's on your list this week? What are you thankful for? Remember to count your blessings everyday. It makes your problems seem that much smaller.. :) Connect with others this week who are sharing their blessings too!

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