Friday, December 12, 2014

Weekly WrapUp - Lots Going On!

**Check out the giveaway while you're here!**

I'm linking up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, Homegrown Learners and Our 4 Kiddos this week.

Whew! This week has been wild and crazy and loads of fun. And we got a little bit of school work done in there too. ;-)

We started this wild busy week with last Saturday night. Our smaller town had a parade this weekend and it was the biggest parade they have ever had. My church put a float in and our praise team sang Christmas songs as we rode through the parade. It was a blast and the first time I've ever done that before. We had a ball and Boo Beat rode the float with us. I do have to say that I have also never played and sang for two hours straight. My hands hurt and my voice was done. :) BUT it was a blast and our church float won 2nd place for the most Christmas spirit!!

He was ecstatic! Can you tell?

I truly love the people I play with and this was an amazing experience!

Our local museum (local in the next town over) had the Megalodon exhibit there this month. Boo Bear absolutely loves everything about sharks and can tell you probably more about them than I ever thought possible. So when I saw that exhibit we had to go.

He had a blast!! It was a fun day going on a field trip, eating lunch and Mama got to go to Trader Joe's! It's a win-win really.

We worked on our school work this week too. I usually try to take this month off but it's been a booger trying to get back on schedule with so many things going on last month. I'm proud that I'm realizing that's okay and not too stress about it. He's still learning with so many other things we have going on that it's okay to not sit in a classroom all the time. :)

I did print out some fun Christmas themed worksheets for him as extra practice while we move on to other topics in math. I am doing them as a drill each day. Does anyone else do these types of drills to just keep the steps of how-to work the problem in their minds?

We have discovered that he likes to read Graphic Novels. While my husband first wasn't sure what those were, as in freaked out because I said "graphic", Boo Bear has really enjoyed reading them. He finished the first in a series yesterday so we had to go back to the library to pick up the next one. We talked with the librarian about the different ones available and he wasn't interested. He's a tough cookie when it comes to what he wants to read about. I absolutely fell in love with the fact that yesterday he was reading a book as I was grocery shopping. No phone games. No tablet. No mom can we hurry. He was reading and loving it.

Today we have our homeschool group Christmas party and we are super excited. He helped make the food yesterday and he was quite proud of himself. :) I think he did awesome making those little Grinch Kabobs.

I made my strawberry cheesecake bites since I had several requests for them. They are a yummy treat and so easy to make.

So what's going on in your world this week?


  1. What a great, Christmas spirit filled week! :)

  2. The spread looks amazing! I too love graphic novels - they even have some of the classics in graphic novel form. I'm visiting from Weekly Wrap Up.

  3. What lovely foods at the end. What a great start to Christmas.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. Looks like a great week! I like the Grinch-kabobs! I might just make thoes for my daughter's christmas party.

  5. My kids are big fans of graphic novels too.

  6. I do sometimes print out practice sheets for the kids as review. Just to keep things fresh in their mind. Congrats on 2nd place for the float. Sounds like you had a fun week. The grinch kabobs look like a yummy snack.

  7. So happy to hear your son loves Clever Dragons. I didn't see much in the way of reviews about it. I would love to see you do a blogpost on how you use it.

  8. I miss Trader Joe's. It looks like a great week.


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