Friday, July 31, 2015

Funtastic Unit Studies: Science Unit Studies for Homeschoolers and Teachers Review

We love Science here! Absolutely love it. So when the opportunity to review the Funtastic Unit Studies book called Science Unit Studies for Homeschoolers and Teachers, we were super excited. This book has over 200 pages full of science lessons, experiments, and helps to teach your children about the world around them. 
Funtastic Unit Studies Review
What we received:
We received the physical book to work with. This book was written by Susan Kilbride who is a homeschooling mom herself. She also has a degree in Biology and discovered most parents have a hard time teaching science to their children. She created this book to help those parents and anyone else who might want to use a hands-on approach to this fun and exciting subject. It is priced at $16.95 making it an affordable option for homeschool families. You can use it with all ages as there are lessons for children ages 4-13. 

The first part of the book is broken down for the younger members of your family. These science experiments will be more suited for children 4-7 but you can still do them with the older ones as well. The second half of these unit studies for homeschoolers is for the 8-13 range and are a little more in depth and complicated in their topics.  

How we used it:
When we received the book we went through together to pick out a few of the unit studies we would like to work on. Our first one we chose was the chapter on Atoms and Molecules. I read over the study myself first to find out what all we needed. The very beginning of the chapter tells you a list of items you need to perform each of the projects and assignments in the lesson. Most of these are items you already have around the house but others may be some you need to pick up on the way. Hence, our mad dash to the store. 

I promise I put it on the list but totally forgot to get the items we needed. We ran very fast to the store that morning because Boo Bear was so anxious to get this started. 

Nothing like Wal-Mart before breakfast!!!

Once we had gathered all our supplies we went over the lessons. There are varying number of parts to each lesson. It all depends on what subject you're talking about. We did the first 2 parts in one day because he wanted to get to making molecules. 

We talked about atoms and then went to making our first project. 

The book is very easy to understand and gives you a lot of information to use with teaching your child the science unit studies. Here's a pic of our completed molecules of water, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Carbon Tetrachloride. 

Another of our favorite activities was making sugar crystals. This was exciting and fun because we've tried this before but this was a new way for us to try. 

What we thought: 
This item got two thumbs up from both of us. This book gives you fun ideas for teaching science when you're not sure what you should do. It allows your children, and you, to get hands-on experience with the lessons. The lessons range from plants to animals to chemistry and physics. There are many different activities to choose from in each level and it makes it easy to tailor to what you have at your home. 

I recommend checking this out if you're looking for a fun variety to add to your homeschool science program you have in place. You can break these down and do them throughout the year to change things up a bit. They can also go along with a deeper study of items you may be studying already. 
If you're looking for a fun and exciting way to do science this year, Funtastic Unit Studies has what you need! 

Check out these freebies offered where you can discover a couple of the units yourself. Click here for two PDF science units from the book. You can also get another freebie from this amazing company by clicking here.

Don't forget to see what others on the Crew thought by clicking the banner below! 
Funtastic Unit Studies Review
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