921. I'm thankful for my husband. This week we will celebrate 16 years of marriage. God has blessed us with an amazing life together and I can't wait to see what our future holds.

922. I'm thankful that he loves my team too. Course, when you marry a girl from Bama, you don't really have a choice. Or, at least, that is what he's said.
923. I'm thankful for the cooler weather we have been having. Finally feels like the holiday season here in the south.
924. I'm thankful for friends God has placed in my life. Those who never cease to push me to get past myself. Those who do not let me tap out but continue to encourage, correct, and sharpen me.
925. I'm thankful for shopping days with the fams
926. I'm thankful for homeschooling. It is tough, but it is so worth it.
927. I'm thankful for the amazing growth in our youth ministry. This is truly God at work and I get a front row view of it every day.
928. I'm thankful for peppermint mocha coffee
929. I'm thankful for exciting adventures and God experiences this week as we head to our annual youth conference.
What are you thankful for today?
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