Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Nothing Is The Same

 Nothing is the same. Not since February 2020. No matter how hard we try to go "back to normal", we can't. Believe me, I want normal of two years ago to come back as much as the next person. However, our reality is, that it isn't. Nothing will go back. 

That doesn't mean it has to be a bad thing. Our minds tell us that "normal" is what we crave but we need to understand that we can live and thrive without our "normal". It hurts. It's painful and infuriating at times. Our emotions, our reactions, our thoughts have forever been changed by the past two years. Some of us it's been for the better. Some have drawn closer to God and realized they can't do life without Him. And you shouldn't.

Others have grown farther and farther from the loving Savior that longs to be in the midst of all the mess with you. Our world around us has us seeing chaos, murder, hatred, and violence on every single channel. Everywhere you turn someone's angry about the server not getting their food fast enough, the person in front of them not driving as soon as the light turns green, the person next to them having trouble deciding on a purchase that is stopping them from moving forward. All the while these emotions driving us make us forget that who we're angry at is another person living in this same craziness that we are. 

We turn at each other over differences of opinions, fighting against each other because we aren't the same. Instead of loving each other and pointing towards the Cross, we spit vile hatred and disgust. 

Nothing is the same. 

And yet... some things didn't change. 

Jesus is still on the throne sitting beside His Father ever interceding for those of us here. The enemy is still trying to thwart God's plans and destroy people but God wins every. single. time.

There's still a chance to turn from sin, let go of unforgiveness, and live life chasing hard after God. There's still a Father in heaven that cares deeply about you and every single thing that happens in your life. There's still our Father that is waiting patiently for you to choose Him. He loves you so much that He won't force it on you. You must choose. 

The world around us wants us to believe that God is just rules, regulations, and a harsh dictator waiting to smite you. That couldn't be farther from the truth. See, He's waiting on you. Waiting for you to choose Him. Waiting on you to choose life. 

Instead of getting angry at something out of your control today, stop and think. How can I be kindness today? How can I show God's love to someone who may not ever step foot into a church? How can I be "Jesus with skin on today"? 

I don't say this pointing fingers. I say this with a humble heart. I am this person too. I am the quick to anger at times person who needs to stop and remember... Nothing is the same... But God never changed. 

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