Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by to check out my little space in the blog-o-sphere. Today we're going to take a look at three different Holman bibles that are sure to be beneficial to a variety of ages.
I am thankful to Lifeway and Lev3l Digital for this amazing chance to investigate and explore three KJV bibles. These are full of helpful tools for bible study for all ages.
While I do utilize several translations during study time, I always find myself back in KJV. It is one of my favorite versions. What about you?
I was given the opportunity to review three different bibles:
- Holman KJV Ultrathin Reference Bible
- Holman KJV - One Big Story Bible (children's)
- Holman KJV Study Bible
Choosing your bible translation is a very personal choice. It's one that you don't take lightly. When it comes to finding a version you can rely on, the KJV has been around for years.
In the beginning of the 1600's, the King James Version was translated. Those translating God's word at the time were the top scholars of their day. Their focus was to give a translation that would last generations to come and it has. People from all walks of life turn to the KJV for their bible study, reading, and preaching.
The versions I received are beautifully bound and full of wonderful tools to help as you study the Word.
Holman KJV Ultrathin Reference
This version of the KBJ fits easily in a bag or goes along with you as it is very lightweight. The two-column text and easy to read type make this one that will not strain your eyes no matter your age. In the center column you'll find references that help you to dive deeper into the passage you're reading. There's a concordance, full-color maps, and all the Words of Christ are in red.
Holman KJV - One Big Story Study Bible (Children's)
Are you looking for the perfect addition to your children's walk with God? Then take a look at this version! It is brightly adorned with beautiful pictures and full-page illustrations in color. Every book of the bible has an introduction to help your children understand the details. There are 100 verses to remember highlighted throughout the bible, as well as big-words dictionary and the big questions and answers sections. It also features what is called the Christ Connection. This shows your children how Christ is truly woven through each story in the bible.
Holman KJV Study Bible
For those looking to dive deeper into their bible study, this may be the option for you! The bible comes with full color visuals throughout to help you see both the context and structure of the scripture. It is easy to lay the bible open flat with the beautiful, high-quality, smyth-sewn binding. Full-length articles sprinkled throughout help to cover the theological issues that take place, as well as the practical issues such as the origin and transmission of the Bible itself. You'll find multiple references in the edges, words of Christ in red, and three columns of study notes on the bottom edges of the page. Take advantage of the one-year and three-year bible reading plans as well.

I have really enjoyed thumbing through these three versions and checking out the many benefits to each one. I love the children's version with all the colorful tools to help your youngest child understand the Big Story of God's love for them. These three are great versions of the KJV bible for all walks of life!
Need Help?
Want to know what is the best KJV bible for you is? Then make sure you check out the
Find Your KJV Bible Tool. This helps you find everything from the perfect pocket sized bible or one for your purse to the perfect Study Bible with all the award-winning study tools you need at your fingertips. You can also find weekly specials with savings up to 50% as well!
Here's your chance to win one of these three versions for yourself! Be sure to comment below which one of the versions you'd want to win and share the giveaway with friends!