I must confess… I am obsessed. I have not come near what others are but I do have to admit the high I get from this new obsession is one of the most awesome things! :) No it is not some new drug but it could be compared to it. It is….
Yes I know.. We all have that old style of couponing in our minds. It doesn’t work like your momma’s coupons did. These are great deals where you stuff is free or less than a dollar or two. This is awesome. I will post some pics as I am building my stockpile.
First my Health and Beauty stockpile…
All the Right Guard you see was absolutely FREE!!!! How? Combining a BOGO coupon with a BOGO sale and I got 6 bottles of Right Guard bodywash for Free. WAHOO!! The Aussie shampoo you see? Some were free and the rest I paid less than $2.00 a bottle to buy. The lotion was only .99 and the toothpaste was another totally freebie. Free is my new favorite word.
This is my Laundry stockpile…
What you see is five bottles of Purex that I paid $1.99. You will also see four bottles of the new Purex Crystals that I paid $1.99 each as well. With combining coupons and sales you can really rack up and save for a rainy day.
I am not a hoarder yet but.. this could become a problem. LOL I am stockpiling for a rainy day and also to be able to give to others. Remember just because you may not need it doesn’t mean that you can’t buy it. If you are getting it for free or for close to free then give it to someone who NEEDS it and maybe can’t afford it. Look at shopping in a whole new light and you will see that you really can save money and have plenty. You will also find you can bless others that maybe you thought impossible to do.
If you have and savings tips or ideas post them here! I would love to hear how you save! :)
Freezer cooking can also really help with your grocery budget.