Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday's Journey

191. Feeling better after not feeling great at all for a week. ;-)

192. Meeting Cammie. My parents new pup. She is very sweet and wild.

193. Snuggling with my buddy. I have gotten to sleep with him this week while we are visiting.

194. Seeing family. Got to see some peeps that I haven't seen in awhile. It is nice to get together and lots of laughing involved.

195. Old Scooby Doo movies.

196. Eating home cooked food that I didn't cook  ;) it is always nice to have a break... even if I do love to cook.

197. Taking a break from real life.

198. Remembering old times.

199. Air Conditioning. I may have mentioned this one before but I am doubly grateful when it is 105 degrees outside.

200. Talking to my hubby on the phone like when we were dating. ;)

We made it to 200! We 1/5th of the way there. WAHOO! This is great as it keeps me mindful of why I am thankful. Have you started your list yet? If so share with me! I would love to stop by! If not what are you waiting on??? Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

  1. I recently spent a week at my mom's back in my hometown. It was sooo great to be back on some familar territory, see old friends, and yes....she cooked every supper! heaven. God Bless my mommy!


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