Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Since the World Changed Forever...

I sat here in tears this morning as I watched the video of the babies born after September 11, 2001. These children whose fathers never came home that day. These children who never knew who their fathers were and are trying to make memories of them. These children whose lives had not even begun before sudden tragedy had hit them.

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day. I remember the fear, panic and devastation I felt myself even though I did not have anyone in those cities. I remember the tears I shed and still shed to this day for those who lost their loved ones in that horrible day. I was working in a daycare at the time so I was not able to see the news. I only listened to the radio. I also remember my first glimpse of the tv that night and how I just could not imagine why anyone would do this or what those families were going through.

This year I started trying to explain to my son what went on that day. I remember thinking that day I will have to tell my children about this one day. That one day has come. We are going to a memory walk this evening to remember those who fought for us, died for us and those who perished in an instant of hatred. I will never forget that my freedom is not free. I will never forget those mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers and friends who lost their lives. I will never let my son forget how blessed we are to live in America. I will never let him forget the sacrifices that so many people have made for us and are still making to this day.

To those who lost loved ones that awful day... My prayers and thoughts are with you during this time. I can not begin to imagine what you are going through. To those who have fought and are still fighting... Thank you. Your sacrifice means my son can live in peace and not have to know the awful things that go on around him yet. Because of what you do my son can live free and our family can stay safe. Thank you...


  1. I cannot imagine what these poor children and spouses are going through. My heart just grieves. I think I always will.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I was teaching third grade and there was one boy who seemed to see the significance. Now they are starting their freshman year at college.

    We do need to tell our children, just as my parents told me about Pearl Harbor.


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