Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's Journey

380. Days that I can open up the windows and let the fresh air in. They are few in Florida but nice when they decide to show up.

381. Happy weekends with an ice cream cone and a round of mini golf thrown in.

382. The laughter that rings through out the house.

383. The bond my son and hubby are forming. They are much closer now than they ever have been. {hope it stays that way when he turns into a teen. ;)}

384. The holiday season. I love giving thanks, seeing family members and spending precious time with all of them.

385. For new friends and friendships that are being formed.

386. For finding a balance.

387. For busy days.

388. Our T-Ball team this year. It has been a wonderful adventure with this great group. So thankful for them and hate to see the season end tonight.

389. Taking long leisurely walks around the neighborhood with my kiddo and hubby.

390. The discussions we have when we are on those walks.

391. The Chronicles of Narnia.. I have LOVED these audio books and can't wait to get to the next one.

392. A nice book and a warm quilt.

393. The beautiful days we have been blessed with.

394. Roasting marshmallows after dinner.

395. A happy, healthy wild, loud, vibrant, 100% all boy five year old.

396. A healthy and happy family.

397. Food on our table and clothes on our back.

398. Teaching and playing UNO with my son.

399. Exploring nature

Join me each week as we Journey to 1000 gifts. What are you grateful for this week?

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