Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Moments

I am super excited today. It is our first day of our Nature Buddies class and I hope it is going to be a blast. I will certainly let you know!

We went on Saturday to the civic theater to the education open house they had. I have been wanting to sign Boo Bear up for a class and just hadn't done it yet. Well this time around we did and I am so glad we did. He had such a blast on Saturday touring the theater and meeting the teachers. They did some theater exercises/games and he also got to see the stage and how they work the lights. It was educational and fun :) He is going to be taking classes there and I hope he falls in love. He has asked me about singing classes because he is like his Mama. He loves to sing. Well, they have those too!! I can't wait!! I hope he has a wonderful time in these classes and he makes wonderful new friends and memories.

This is the start of a very busy schedule for us. Time to make sure we have our vitamins and our fruit and let's go! What have you got going on? Does your busier schedule start back this week or have you already started??

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