In my life this week... Well it was pretty normal all in all. We had some fun times and tried karate last night. That was a big no go... He was fine until the main sensei came in and started yelling at the kids. My kiddo is a soft heart like me and yelling like that is not something he is used to nor does he like to be around. They weren't yelling at him but still. He did not want to go back. It really broke my heart too. He was enjoying it so much with this HUGE grin on his face and then that guy came in and it was over. We were trying to find something he could do like that that he enjoyed and apparently that was not it... So now the search is on to help him find his "Niche". I think he really will be in dance/entertainment because he LOVES the civic theater classes. Either way we are done with the appeal of karate for now.
In our homeschool this week... We had a pretty good week. We are learning to tell time and it is going pretty well. I went to the local school supply store and bought a couple of phonics and language arts games. Since we struggle with reading and I honestly struggle with really how to teach it, I thought this would be a good addition and it has proven true. We really like our little games and I must frequent that store more. They have a vast supply of awesomeness to help me teach and him learn and I'm such a silly gal because I haven't been there this whole year. Not sure why but that is about to change ;)
Places we're going and people we're seeing... We are going to meet with the local Classical Conversations lady today. She has two boys close to Boo Bears age and I need something to get him socializing next year. I don't know if this is for us or not but we are going to discuss and see. It is quite costly but at least we are talking about it.
I'm praying for... Guidance on the homeschool next year. I think I have pretty much decided on our curriculum but if we do CC that will be extra to what I have chosen. I don't know if we want to do this or just join one of the local christian homeschool groups. We have a nice one that we are in now but I also want to do something a little more for him next year. Praying for which direction to take it.
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