- My healthy child. Being in the news daily and reading blogs around the world I am so thankful for him being healthy and strong. Yes we have fought many battles with allergies, asthma and other ailments but nothing like some of the things my fellow bloggers go through on a daily basis. Know that I'm praying for you and your wonderful blessings.
- Finishing up our first year of homeschool. This has been a wild ride and I am so thankful for the progress he has made and the lessons I have learned. (yes I have learned too;))
- My son says he's thankful for our blackberries growing in our yard. (He wanted to help me blog this morning)
- Movie night with the family. It's lots of fun and I love hearing my son laugh at a movie and really get tickled. I also love a great feel good movie. We watched Hop a couple of weeks ago and it was awesome! Any suggestions on new ones to watch?
- Grandparents who make a little boy's birthday extra special. His birthday is coming up and we can't wait to go to the beach to celebrate!
Link up with some others and share your blessings this week. Don't forget that counting your blessings keeps you focused on the positive in your life. :) It also makes those mountains seem more like mole hills :)

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