It's that time again... To sit down and count all that we have to be thankful for. I think this is one of my favorite posts each week. Linking up with friends and sharing our blessings together. It's always an encouragement to me and I hope to you too.
So here's my list this week...
- Fishing with my two favorite guys. We went fishing last weekend and it was a blast. The first time I have gone in a while and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I even caught one of the biggest fish we brought home!
- time with my kiddo. We went bowling, had lunch and went to the park yesterday. We both get a little antsy being cooped up in the house sometimes. (well he more than me but still...) It was a much needed day out for both of us.
- My buddies over at I signed up a few months ago and hadn't used it regularly. Some local ladies joined up as well and we have been encouraging each other and it really helps. I have made it through my first week of revamping my lifestyle and it's going good so far. Just pray for me that it keeps going that way ;)
- The improvements I am seeing both in my blood sugar numbers and my blood pressure numbers too. I have to take care of myself so I can take care of my family. That's been my focus this past week and moving forward. I am so excited to see those numbers where they should be. Now if I can just keep the anxiety down when I go have the doc check my blood pressure today ;-)
- A lovely weekend coming up. Swim time with Nana and just a nice weekend hopefully.
I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend coming up. Be careful!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!!
What are you thankful for today?

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