I have a confession to make. It's one I have had in my life for quite sometime. Probably all my life. I have a hard time saying the word, NO. When it comes to volunteering or helping someone out, if I can do it, I will. Of course sometimes that gets me way over frazzled. :) But I know it's the way God made me and I just want to help others. I am learning to say no and learning the meaning of break time more and more.
This year has brought so many changes to our lives and it is a balancing act most days. School, work, volunteering at school, Cub Scouts, the list keeps going sometimes. So break times is extremely important.
As mothers, homeschoolers, wives, friends we often forget to take a little down time for ourselves. We are always taking care of our families and others and sometimes taking care of ourselves gets bumped down the ever growing list of to-do's.
One of the verses that comes to mind when thinking of "rest" is Matthew 11:28:
" Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
We should take time to rest in the Lord, take a break time from the constant going and spend time with Him. He alone can refresh us and restore us so that our light shines as we help and work with others.
The importance of break time to me is becoming more and more evident. Break time can mean just staying home and relaxing with family. Taking time to walk around your neighborhood and get alone with God. Take time to stop and get some ice cream with your kiddos.
Don't forget that we need rest and although we are trying to work hard and help, if we are not rested we will not do much good. :)
This is a letter to myself to remind me of that needed break time. What do you do to take time out for yourself or take down time? How do you get away and get rested?
Don't forget to check out the other "B" posts over at Ben and Me. :)
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