Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Today's the day! It's one of my favorites! ;) Thankful Thursday! I try to remember to be thankful everyday. Some days are easier than others. Some days it can be hard to see past the pain, troubles and trials going on to see the blessings that these trials bring. But they still are there, no matter if we see them right away or not. So today I'm counting the blessings God has given me. There are really too many to count but I'm going to try to count some of them anyway. :)

Today I'm thankful for the blessing of another year gone by to see my friends, family and the world around me.

I'm thankful for a great report for me from the doctor yesterday. I have a few things to work on but things are good overall.

I'm thankful for my two sweet boys. My hubby and my kiddo just couldn't wait last night until today to give me my birthday presents. They really do spoil me ;)

I'm thankful for best friends who listen to me whine and don't get tired of my craziness. 

I'm thankful for family that truly does love no matter what. 

I'm thankful for new friends, new experiences and new adventures to come. 

So what are you thankful for? Remember to count your blessings!!!

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