Saturday, April 5, 2014

Thankful and Weekly Review, All In One!

This week has been fun and crazy and fun and wild. We are taking a step back from our traditional school routine with all the packing, running and prepping for a huge move. It's a bit much for me but for my son, his whole world is spinning around. Check out my post here to see what I mean. So we are taking a new approach. That's the freedom and excitement of homeschooling, right? Right! We can go with the ebb and flow of life and not let it overwhelm us. So that's what we are doing.

This week we had lots of fun watching Shark Week on Netflix. Well until our Internet decided be silly. We are fixing that today so it's all good. Boo Bear checked out Mythbusters and Shark Week all week this week. We read some books on sharks and started listening to Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. So far so good on that one. He's really enjoying it.

We took a fun relaxing walk around the lake at the park were we take science classes. Those started back this week and he's loving them. Sadly, this is the last month until the start of school next year. Sigh... But here are some treasures we found....

He also tried his hand at sneaking up on one of the ducks to see just how close he could get. Didn't get too close. Those little boogers are always watching ;).

I love my child's heart. He just does things that blow my mind sometimes. Like this note I found on my nightstand.

I had some nice cuddle time with our silly pup. She like to just jump up in the middle of my lap and hang out. Like this. :)

Things are moving quickly on the house so we are excited about that. How was your week? Good I hope! Be sure to enter the giveaway while you're visiting!!

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