Friday, August 8, 2014

Our First Week Back !

Weekly Wrap-Up
We are back! This was our first week of officially being 3rd graders and we had lots of fun. I am, so far, loving how our curriculum choices are working. Boo Bear is loving them too and school days are going pretty smooth.

We are doing more subjects this year so that has been a big change for him and myself. We are working longer during the day and it's a great thing too. No time to get bored or feel like it's monotonous. So here's a look at our first week!

Our first day...

Geez he's growing up on me way too fast. I've noticed more and more recently things he used to do or used to like that are changing. No more typical cartoons for this kiddo. No more Chuggington or Mickey Mouse. :-( He's into Mythbusters and Shark Week and documentaries on LEGO's. Yes. He willingly, on his own, watched a documentary about his favorite building block at the moment. Sigh.. But, I digress.

We started this week doing all eight subjects. I am letting him choose each day what order we do it in. I have my planner and what we need to accomplish. He chooses what comes first. That seems to help him because he likes picking what order. It also allows him to have more control over his work as well.

We discussed canines in our Science this week. He was having a blast. As you can see he loves dogs anyway, so this was a great chapter for him. Molly was listening to our reading too :). He seems to be enjoying all our choices for this year so that makes this Mama happy!

I have been working on several reviews and I'm excited about this one. I'm always trying to get more water in and I love the new water bottle I'm trying out. It's my first real experience with fruit infused water so I'm all ears for your favorite fruit in water ideas.

Boo Bear has also discovered a love of models this week. He and daddy put one together and he just got up and is working on another one. :) Fun times here!

So how was your week? Hope you had a great one!!!

Don't forget to click the link above and link your weeks up.


  1. I have tried blueberries in mine and strawberries like you have there. A non-fruit I like to put in sometimes (by itself) is cucumbers because they make the water taste refreshing and always seem to give me more energy.

    1. Ooh thanks for the ideas! Those sound yummy :)


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