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I love starting my day off with a devotional and quiet time. Being a homeschool, WAHM, wife, Mom etc... I need that quiet time and talk with God. I need that connection and peace that only He brings and we need to talk about some things. I use that time to pray, read my devotional and my bible. And to listen. You have to be sure to listen. That's what Sarah Young brings in her line of devotionals called Jesus Calling.
Recently we got the opportunity to check out the Jesus Calling for Kids devotional as a review from Family Christian Supply. I'm in love and so is my son!
This amazing book goes right along with what my daily devotional is. It helps us to dig deeper in the Word together and gets that ever important routine of Bible study during the day in him. Each day has a devotional where it is God talking to your child. There are scripture verses that line up with the theme or discussion for the day for them to dig deeper.

This book is written in language that is easy to connect with your child or tween age children. They can understand it and connect with Jesus in their own way. It helps to put their challenges of life in a perspective to see where Jesus is always there and can help them get through. The book is suggested for 8 years old and up. My son is 8 and he really enjoys it so far. We start our homeschool day with going over this devotional, he researches the verses then spends some quiet time reading his bible. It's a great way for us both to start the day on a wonderful note.
There's a great line of Jesus Calling series available and there's also AWESOME NEWS!!! Starting on November 14th, a huge sale is taking place. It's just in time for your holiday shopping!!! All the books in the series will be 50% off!! These make wonderful gifts for all the special people in your life.
And there's more awesome news for you! Are you on Twitter? If you're not you should be because there's a party going on! On November 14th from 1-2 pm EST, there's a Twitter party you don't want to miss. Follow the hashtag #JesusCalling to learn about this great series. But what's a party without prizes right? Well, there's going to be 5 participants who win the Jesus Calling 10th Anniversary Edition AND a $50 Appreciation Certificate to Family Christian. 5 other participants will win a $50 Appreciation Certificate to go shopping. That's 10 winners !!!
Wow!! Your mother sure would like to have one of those devotionals. Hint, hint. Hahaha!!! Great post!