Tuesday, December 16, 2014

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Review

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Review
I am super excited to share that I'm back on the TOS Schoolhouse Review Crew this year! It's a lot of fun and I'm sharing my first homeschooling product with you now! 
The SchoolhouseTeachers.com offers a  yearly membership to their site and that is what we received to work with. This site offers everything from a full curriculum to use with your children to extracurricular activities and fill ins for the curriculum you already have. 
The yearly membership offers you access to over 100 courses taught by different teachers for your entire family. The membership itself gives you access to all the courses for each child to use. 
There's no per member charges so one fee gets you going for everyone in your family! There is also a co-op option you can do now with your entire homeschool group. 
You can easily get started with all the courses as they are not live and you start at your own pace. The archived lessons make it easy to go through the entire courses without waiting for the new session to start. There are courses you can choose that are a full years worth of curriculum, a semester or just an addition to what you are doing already.
For our use, we worked with the Spanish classes first. The Spanish lessons are video lessons and also has printables to use throughout the week. Each week you are learning new words and the video lessons are shorter, so no worry of losing attention there. The printables help to reinforce the words and put them in front of your child so they can see what they are saying. He really enjoyed working with these and he also wants to work on French as well. 
The site is broken down into Pre-K/Elementary, Middle/high school, Dailies, and other parental resources that come in handy. Since Boo Bear is in 3rd grade we used the Pre-K/Elementary area. A few things you'll find there include:
  • Tinkers Club
  • Art Techniques
  • Spanish
  • Guitar
  • Violin
  • Geography
  • Chemistry
  • And tons more
One of my favorite sections is the Dailies tab. 

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Review

The Dailies resources give you short lessons to help you each day. You can explore Canada or the USA. Use this area for daily grammar, math and writing lessons to assist in what your children are learning. Print out a menu for the month and help yourself be more organized and less stressed. We all know how life can kind of get in the way sometimes. We can feel overrun, overwhelmed and just... over it. That's where the Joy in the Morning devotional under the Dailies section comes in. It helps you to refocus on your week and choose Joy.

I personally love that with this site you can pick and choose what to do. You can use this as your only curriculum or use it to add to what you're already doing. Everything you need is right at your fingertips. It is very easy to navigate and find what you're looking for, if you know what you want. My problem is there's so many wonderful things offered, I get lost trying to figure out what we want to do that day. :-)

This amazing site also offers a Facebook page where you can get ideas from others who use the site. You can join this community to meet the amazing teachers that pour their hearts into the curriculum on the site. You can also see how other parents out there are using the curriculum offered and gain some new ideas for your own classroom. They also have a Pinterest page where you can see all the wonderful ideas they share for your homeschool projects and curriculum.

The cost for this amazing program is typically $139 for the whole year or $12.95 a month. But this is the holiday season right? Yes it is! That means from now until Christmas Day you can get 40% off the monthly membership or 50% off the yearly membership. That means you can get this amazing full curriculum at your fingertips for only $7.77 a month. If you'd rather pay by the year you only pay $64.26. Want some more awesome news? You keep that rate for life as long as you stay a member of the site. It never goes up!

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Review

I have really enjoyed using this site and can't wait to use it more throughout this year. It really makes it easy to have everything you need all in one place. I highly recommend you head on over during this amazing sale and check it out for yourself. If you're looking to homeschool, are a veteran and need new ideas or just need to supplement what you're already doing, this is the place to go! Be sure to click the button below to see how other homeschool families used this product too!

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Review
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  1. Great review. Thanks for the links to the pinterest page and facebook. I found some new sections to help supplement our Social Studies classes.

  2. I like that the activities are the same idea (ie, a daily activity) but are broken down by level, but there is something for everyone - mine run from PK to 11th grade, so sometimes it's hard to have the same concept but age appropriate.


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