Friday, January 9, 2015

Week in Review: First Week Back

We are back in our normal routine of things around here this week after a long and awesome break. We have enjoyed the time off but I think we both needed our routine back.

This week we have gone back to where we left off as far as our curriculum goes. I am adding in new things as well like the Literature Kits over at SchoolhouseTeachers. We are listening to the Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis. I loved the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and looked forward to this one as well. I'm trying to keep up as best I can with as fast as he listens to it.

We worked further across the country this week learning our state capitols. This is one of his favorite subjects we have been working on and he's doing quite well.

We also read a section out of our Famous Folks in America book we found at Target, thanks to a fellow homeschool mom.

We also got a little farther in our science this week and science classes started back up. He loves these classes and this month they are learning about the Food web and how everything is intertwined.

We worked on learning more about informal and formal language and had a review of our spelling lessons for the past several weeks. This week was mostly about finishing up sections we needed to and getting back into a routine slowly.

Molly wanted to assist me with work this week too. She's such a cuddler and when you get where she can get to you, she's going to insist you cuddle right. this. minute.

She even has her special time with Boo Bear each morning. This is sometimes how they start the day off. Conversating about what their plans are for the day, I guess.

I  can't say enough how excited I am to hear these words.... "Mom can I go read? " (angels sing in the background every time). I just love to hear him say those words and that when I do have to remind him for quiet reading time it's not a battle anymore. Thank you Lord for this miracle and progress we have seen.

I'm working a few exciting reviews as well. Here's one we got in yesterday that I had been anxiously awaiting it's arrival.

Boo Bear and I both love Reese's cups. I mean come on. Peanut butter AND Chocolate together?? What??? Then this comes along and they've now made it a spreadable Reese's. No joke. It's awesome!

So what have you been up to this week? Did you start back this week or have you already been back to business as usual?

I'm linking up this week with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, Homegrown Learners and Our 4 Kiddos.


  1. ooooh Reese's Spreads DOES look good!

    Don't you love it when your kids love to read? So glad you are hearing that in your house. Thanks for linking with Collage Friday, and Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Mary! It is awesome when it finally clicks with them :)

  2. I cant wait until I hear those words from my middle daughter...she is a reluctant reader to say the least! Happy new year to your homeschool!

    1. Happy New Year to you as well! I pray you hear that quite soon!

  3. I love all of your photos! It looks like you had a great first week back.

  4. Love the photos, especially of the doggie homeschooling with the littles. We have one of those. Special times.

    1. Thank you :) They are quite cute together!

  5. That Reese Spread looks like it would bee good! I had to chuckle at the picture of your son and the dog. That looks exactly like my son with our dog. Our dog likes to cuddle when she can get to you. I am waiting for the moment my daughter is excited and asks to read. I hear her trying on her own and when she is writing. My daughter likes to do a lot of drawing and writing.

    1. My son likes to draw too. Writing? not so much :) Hopefully one day that will progress too. :)

  6. Aren't dogs awesome? Looks like a great start to 2015! That spread! Oh, my! I plan on making a dark chocolate bark with peanut butter swirls and mini Reese's tomorrow. Recipe on pinterest! Yum!


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