Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thankful Thursday

How is your first week of the new year going? Pretty good here. Let me share with you some of our blessings !

141. I am thankful for my new young adult class on Wednesday nights at church. Already getting so much out of this group.

142. I'm thankful for a , so far, smooth week back to school. We took an extended break and I was sort of concerned about getting back to it. It's been smooth so far.

143. New stories we are listening to.

144. New science classes starting back today

145. New beginnings

146. A soon to come review we got approved for yesterday. Can't wait!!

147. Hot coffee and warm blankets when it's cold

148. Listening to the sound of my son laugh when he's playing with our pup. Or just anytime really. That sound is music to my ears.

149. Seeing the growth in my kiddo. Spiritually, emotionally, physically.

150. Boo Bear starting guitar lessons soon

151. Spending time with friends

152. The sunshine. It had been missing for awhile but has since returned

153. Cuddles with this sweet girl. Even if she was interrupting work. Sometimes you just gotta get in some cuddling...

154. These two. Their relationship. Their silliness. Their amazingness... (is that a word?)

155. Sitting outside on the front porch with coffee and relaxing

156. Park days

157. Sleeping in on rare occasions

158. Warm comforter made with love by my Mom

159. New friendships God has brought us this past year

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