Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday

190. I'm thankful for a great church family. We had a wonderful thank you dinner last night and it was a great time of fellowship and food.

191. Meeting friends at the library for a fun afternoon.

192. Homeschool parties

193. For the sweet Valentines my kiddo is making.

194. For freedom in changing things up in the middle of the school year to find out what works best for Boo Bear.

195. For exciting adventures

196. For hot coffee and hoodies on cold mornings.

197. For a great group of Cub Scout parents who step up to the plate and make things happen.

198. For the blue bird family being back. Signs that spring is on the horizon

199. For Bookit programs and things that help encourage this one to read, read, READ!

200. That the above mentioned awesome kid has found books he loves to read. :) That means the world to me! 

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