Friday, February 6, 2015

Week in Review - One I'm Glad is Over...

Wahoo! It's Friday! Of course I woke up this morning excited because it was Saturday, but alas, my inside calendar was off. ;-) Oh well. One more day to a relaxing weekend.

We have been quite busy this week. If you check out my Thankful Thursday post you'll see I had some heart tests run this week. With those going on our week has been totally turned upside down.

Boo Bear has spent time with Daddy and I have been scattered this way and that. But thankfully all the results were positive and we have a plan that is working wonderfully so far.

Because of the craziness, school wasn't like normal. Which that's okay ! That's one of the reasons we homeschool, right? To be flexible and learn on the go as well as regular learning.

So what did our week look like? Well, it started off with some online learning. We are currently reviewing a science and math program that we are loving. The good news is that since it's online, it's fairly independent work for him. He sits and does the lesson and I can sit near him listening and watching while also doing other things. He's loving this so far. I'm glad that he's ASKING to do math again.

I'm on the care team at our church now so Tuesday he took Spelling on the road with us. It's lots of fun schooling on the go and for some reason seems to motivate him to get it done. Anybody else notice that?

We had our science class start back up yesterday and our Blue and Gold Cub Scout banquet is tonight. So Thursday was full of running here and there to get to class and get things bought for the banquet. We had a fun lunch out and I'm so glad I feel better.

What a difference it makes when your body is working like it is supposed to :-)

I made some centerpieces this week for the banquet. We are having a Western theme after our first theme was blown out of the water by unforeseen circumstances last week. I'm so thankful  I have some awesome Mama's helping us out this year. They are great !

Overlook the crazy mess in the background. This was a work in progress.

We also added a Cub Scout Flag in the jars as well. I think they turned out cute.

So that's about what we have been doing here. Guitar lessons. Praise and Worship practice. Bible study. Running from one end of the county to the next.

What's your week look like?

I'm linking up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers  and Homegrown Learners this week.


  1. Looks like a great week! I think we are reviewing the same programs! Can't wait to read your thoughts about them :)

  2. Ah, gotta love those crazy weeks (and learning to be flexible)!

  3. I wonder if your little guy gets excited about testing out new products. Sounds like fun and a great fit for me, I have to try this next school year. I'm dropping in from the Weekly Wrap Up.

  4. sorry to hear about the heart tests - hoping you're feeling much better for next week!

  5. Glad to read that your health plans are working and you're feeling better. Appointments like those tend to throw off our weeks, but looks like you still got a lot accomplished! My youngest son often (2-3 times a week) does Van School while his sister is at band practice. He doesn't enjoy it! LOL But it passes the time quicker AND we're getting our school day in mostly.


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