Monday, July 6, 2015

CursiveLogic: CursiveLogic Workbook Review

A lot of public school systems have taken cursive out of their curriculum. I am saddened by the fact that most kids won't be able to read cursive or write it unless taught at home. Just another reason I'm thankful that we can homeschool and that we got the chance to review a new way to learn cursive handwriting. 

Enter in the CursiveLogic system in the CursiveLogic Workbook. This new method of teaching cursive handwriting works for everyone from ages 7 up to adults. It was developed out of a need to teach a student how to write in cursive and you can read more about the amazing story by clicking here

What we received:
For this review we received the CursiveLogic Workbook that includes practice pages, lessons and dry erase pages in the back to practice your letters. I also received a link to downloadable practice pages to allow Boo Bear more practice time and you can get those yourself by clicking here. 

What we did:
Each day we would work with a new page of practice after learning the lessons. CursiveLogic works differently than previous curriculums you've seen. They use techniques that teach with verbal and visual clues to help your student. 
First you'll see that they work with letters that are grouped by their shape. You'll find in this book that there are four basic shapes to all the letters of the alphabet. CursiveLogic groups those similarly shaped lower case letters together to teach your child a letter string. 

By using letters that are strung together with similar shapes, your child gets a feel of that lovely connected feeling that comes with cursive writing. They can start to learn a pattern for how the letters are written and it becomes easier to flow with the writing.

Each letter string also has a theme color and a phrase to say as they are writing out the letter string. This is done with each letter as they write and it helps them to remember as they add more shapes and phrases along the way. 
What we thought:
I thoroughly enjoyed this way of learning cursive. It seemed easier for Boo Bear to pick it up and took no time for him to catch on to the phrases and shapes. I was very impressed with how he seemed to grasp it and take off from the very first day. 

To be honest, he's the typical boy and doesn't like to write much. But!!! With this program he was asking me to do cursive before anything else. 
I think he did pretty well ! 
I love the ease of the system and how much fun it makes something that can be a chore to get your children to do. Overall I was very impressed with the CursiveLogic handwriting curriculum. It was one of the first ones that Boo Bear seemed to really enjoy and would choose to do. There was no fussing or arguing when it would come time to do cursive handwriting!
Check them out on their social media pages:
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CursiveLogic Review

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