Friday, July 17, 2015

July Blogging Challenge - Summer Reads

Today's July blogging challenge over at Lynn's blog is for our summer reading choices. Hmm.. Is it bad I haven't completely read an entire book yet? Well, not for myself anyway. The kiddo and I have read through The 13 Story Treehouse.

It was a cute read and we are going to pick up the next one when we get back to the library. I have several books I want to read that a friend of mine shared with me. It is the prequel series to the Mortal Instruments series but I haven't completed them... yet...

My son is working on our library's reading program for the summer and also the Barnes and Noble program. They have some of his favorites on the prize list this year so he's super excited. So far he's doing great.

Does listening to books count too ? I guess they should. We are currently relistening to the 39 Clues Series. This is a favorite of both of ours and Boo Bear would rather listen to stories in the car than the radio.

So that's we're working on. What about you? What's on your list?

1 comment:

  1. I'd say listening to books does count! The 13-story Treehouse looks like a lot of fun!


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