Thursday, August 13, 2015

ThinkFun Game: Code Master

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You know that we love ThinkFun games here in our house! We've shared several of them on here and we have a new one to share with you now.

The latest ThinkFun creation is Code Master. This is a programming game where you have to get your Avatar through exotic locations while grabbing crystals along the way.

The game is rated for 8 year olds and up and it is in a "Minecraft style" fantasy world. This exciting game takes you through 60 different logic puzzles where you have to think and make the right moves to get your avatar safely to the finish line.

If you're child is interesting in programming, this is a great game to get them "thinking like a computer". It helps you to understand programming ideas such as loops and if/then/else ideas.

You are given a series of puzzles in the guide scroll and the tokens you can use. Each token stands for a different move such as sliding, running or jumping.

Once you have laid out how you believe it will work best, you can test out your program. You may find your pattern doesn't get you where you thought and have to start it out again.

This can be played as a one player or you could work together with your child on the tougher puzzles to solve.  There are multiple levels to choose from and the higher the level, the more difficult the programming logic can be.

My son gave this game two thumbs up after playing. He loves these games and is a fan of Minecraft so I knew this one would be right up his alley. We have played several times and it is quite fun figuring out if you have what it takes to program the game.

You can purchase this game at Target starting this month. It runs around $20 and makes a great addition to your family fun night or for a single player to use on rainy days.

If you've never checked out the ThinkFun game collection, I highly recommend you heading over to their site. They offer a collection of educational games that cover all types of interest. These are great additions to your home and to help get your children, and yourself, thinking!

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