Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Okay Day...

Well, Today was an "ok" day. It was one of those days when nothing seems to go the way you want it to, you are on a short fuse and everyone wants to light it. :)LOL

I am not sure why but it was. I am much better now. Actually, doing my 20 minute workout is what helped release some of the tension/stress. Amazing huh.. :) It was one of those days when Jackson wanted to do everything opposite of what I asked him, ignoring what I asked him to do. Ever have those days? ;) Well we made it thru and we are now coming to the close of the day. I did manage to eat healthy most of the day and keep myself somewhat organized. We got Jacks room cleaned and organized.. Again... and now they are racing his cars.

Being a mom has me on a whole new perspective of my parents. Thanks to mom and dad for putting up with me. :)LOL So now, I take a deep breath, relax a minute and get myself ready to do this all over again tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I hate when I have these days and can't pinpoint exactly why.

Thanks to my hubby and my youngun for putting up with me on these days. Love yall!

Until we meet again....

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