Friday, March 12, 2010

What I am thankful for

Well, while sitting here contemplating what I should write today… I couldn’t think of anything except for… what I am thankful for today.



First, my family. I thank God that He moved things the way he did and I met my hubby. For those of you who don’t know the story…. I met Bob while working for my aunt and uncle. I was working in their tire store at the time and a customer had a blow out on his vehicle. Well, the tires he had were fine so he wanted me to find a match. Well, that led to the very first time I talked to my husband. Little did I know that would start a reaction that would lead us to where we  are today. We have been together for 8 years this year and married for 7. Wow!!! That seems like such a long time ago. Some say love at first sight, I think so. Maybe I didn’t know that was quite what it was at the time but we told each other say three weeks after meeting. We had our first blind date on September 14, 2002. We have been together ever since. We have been thru some great times and some not so great times but we have been thru them together. That is what makes the difference. For all the times I have cried on his shoulder, vented my frustrations to him and been completely looney, he has been there thru it all. Thank you honey.

Second of all I am thankful that on May 12, 2006 God chose to bless me and Bob with the biggest, bestest blessing of all. Jackson. We were both a little (okay, ALOT) scared of bringing home this new life to take care of by ourselves. We would soon learn, we weren’t doing this by ourselves. God also blessed us both with parents to help us along this journey. Of course, they do choose to spoil this little guy.



That is fine with me, that is what grandparents are for, right?

Thank you God for this little blessing who is growing up entirely too fast for me. No matter how crazy our lives can be, or how much this this little man tests mommy and daddy, I will always be thankful and grateful for him. CIMG0916


I am also thankful for my family. Mom, dad, Uncle Joe, Nana, Poppy, Grandpa Bob, Grandma Lynn, GG and Great Grandma Buddy, Memaw and all the aunts and uncles out there. God has richly blessed us with our family. Thank you all for being there and for loving us no matter what is going on. :)

3-16-2009-17 Papa, thank you for being the bestest Papa ever. You have been a great dad to me and an even greater grandfather to Jackson. As I grow up, I realize you really are pretty smart. :)LOL Thank you for loving me and putting up with me for all the trials we have been thru. Thank you for never giving up on me when it would have been much easier to do just that. Thank you for teaching me lifes lessons that I now am able to teach my son. You rock!


2009_03150021 You are the greatest Mimi ever! You are also my best friend. Not to often can a daughter and mom say truly they are best friends. We are. I am so thankful that God blessed me with you guys. You love Jackson and me and Bob and we know it without a shadow of a doubt. You guys have been there for us when times were rough and we didn’t know what to do with Jackson. When he was sick and you guys stayed with him and helped us to take care of him. We will forever be thankful!

Uncle Joe!

Love ya man! You are an awesomely, cool “little” brother. Jackson loves his uncle joe and Aunt April. April, thank you for making my little brother so happy. Just remember to take care of him. :)LOL


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To Bobs family, Thank you for accepting me and taking me in as your own. We love you guys and I am glad I get to know you better. I am so thankful for you guys and that you love Jackson and shower him with nana love like you do.


Well, I cant forget my puppies too. Love you too Ozzie and Zeus!!

Thank you Lord for the wonderful things in my life. May I never forget to be thankful and count my blessings.

What are you thankful for today?

Until next time….

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