Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Look Back at 2011

Looking back at last year... hmm... What can I say about last year? We started on a journey that I never really and truly thought possible. Homeschool was always a far off and distant dream. Working from home consistently was a far off and distant dream. School was a big huge building where my child was hurried into a classroom and I just wasn't prepared for the emotions that came with that thought.

Last year we were richly blessed with family and friends that are still around today. We made relationships that will last a lifetime and over distances (even over the distance to Wisconsin ;-)) We made wonderful memories with wonderful friends and got to experience some awesome things. A trip to the zoo, a trip to Daytona Beach, visiting family in Alabama, watching my cousin get married and become a Marine. I was blessed to get a job to continue working from home with steady results, (two actually) and I started on the journey with my son into Kindergarten homeschool.

As I look back on 2011 I am reminded how awesome our God is and how He never changes nor leaves or forsakes us. We may change and we may walk astray but He is always right there where WE left Him. I am thankful for so many wonderful blessings that came out of the trials last year. Thankful that we found a church we could call home. Thankful that as one door closes He always opens another, perhaps it is a window, but He provides another way.

Dear 2012, I am determined to live life to its fullest, Choose Joy and always learn from whatever comes my way. May we grow in love, Christ and learning all year through. Happy New Year to you and yours and may 2012 be the best year yet!

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