In our homeschool this week... It was a nice week. We worked on reading the names of the months, read some about George Washington, learned about the Boston Tea Party and much more. We started reading Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder this week in school as well. So far we are on chapter 2. Boo Bear worked more on Hooked on Phonics and did well with his reading. I am not sure what to do with that so we are taking it one day at a time. If you read my posts over the past months we do this a lot ;-). I worry about him not reading, then I am okay with it because he is about to turn 6 and doesn't HAVE to be reading yet. Then we go through the cycle of me worrying etc... so we are taking this one day at a time. That is really all we can do and I'm okay with that. We also did an experiment this week. While playing around on Pinterest I noticed some wonderful posts by Bern over at Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas. They were experimenting with Peeps and it looked like a lot of fun. SOO we grabbed some Peeps and headed to the microwave for the first one.
This is kind of scary...
My hubby did it when he got home and he was blown away at what they did. When they were cooled down they were like rocks!!! He said he didn't know if he could ever eat another one of those happy little things. :-) ( I don't really like them so it was kind of fun to watch them blow up!)
Helpful Hints to share... Just breathe.... That is my motto. When things look like they are crashing down around you or that things are just NOT working like you planned... Just breathe...
I'm inspired by... All the mom's I am meeting at The Homeschool Lounge. I have really connected with some wonderful homeschooling families and love all the tips and encouragement that is passed around. I also love all my homeschool mama's on Twitter that are so encouraging and wonderful!
My favorite thing this week... This next picture actually. (Well... this is one of them) The road in front of our house was repaved this week and it was amazing. Amazing to my son and my dog. ;) They just couldn't get enough of watching the workers tearing up the road and new pretty black asphalt appearing.
It was almost too much to handle from the inside ;-)
Questions/thoughts I have... When you taught first grade did you do a full load with history, science, math, art, reading, writing etc? Did you just choose core Math and Science and reading/writing and add in other things along the way? I am kind of teetering and trying to find what we want to do. I was going for a full curriculum plan but now I am unsure. Trying to do this the most cost efficient way I possibly can and weighing all our options.:)
Things I'm Working on... Next year's curriculum. My job. Spring Cleaning. Next year's curriculum.. (did I say that already ;))
I'm praying... For guidance. I had an opportunity to minister come my way and I am praying for God's guidance and direction in this. Praying that He will show me the yes or no or not now that He wants me to do.
Picture of the week... I absolutely love this shot. I changed my blog button to feature this shot:) What do you think?

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