Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekly Wrap-up

In our life this week... We have been trying to get back on a normal sleeping schedule and it is just not happening. He goes to sleep fine and gets up entirely too early. Sigh.. I'll be ready for this to calm down some. LOL Mainly because I don't like it when my kiddo is hurting. Partially because this Mama needs a good night sleep. :) LOL (and so does her kiddo)

In our homeschool this week... We are moving right along this week. I implemented 30 minutes of quiet time reading this week and it seems to be a success. I am not forcing him to read out loud unless it's something he wants to read. I just want him to get into the pattern of "reading" by himself daily. It seems to be working so far. He is enjoying it.

We are working on some great reviews coming up so that is added into our daily work :) We are having a blast and can't wait to share them with you next month.

We are working on math drills right now insuring he knows, or at least mostly knows, his addition facts. It is important he knows those before we move on. So this week has been a lot of math drills on paper and on my Kindle Fire. He loves that!

We are working on our phonics as well this week and it seems to do well. We are making progress and Mommy is excited to see it.

We also had a field trip this week that was a blast! We went to a working dairy farm and learned all about how our milk gets to our stores.

Questions I have... How many field trips do you take? I am trying to work more in and not just the once a month ones we sometimes have with our homeschool group. I want to incorporate more hands on learning. Any suggestions?

Places we're going and people we're seeing... We went to our pirate class this week, to have the car checked out due to a recall notice and hoping to have a park day sometime. Maybe today?

I'm praying for..Midland City and Dale County Alabama. That was very close to where I spent a large chunk of my life and I have friends that were affected by the loss of the bus driver. Praying for the child's safe return.

A picture of the week... I shared this one earlier in the week but I love it. It definitely was a highlight of our week ;)


  1. I'm thinking I need to start doing the Homeschool Journal thing, I like reading about what others have accomplished.

    1. Lisa it really is a fun weekly link up. I love seeing all the ideas that come across and it's nice to remember what we did this week :)

  2. We take field trips as a group once a month and I try to work in a couple on my own over the course of the year.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I think we need to try to shoot for at least once a month as well. Our group does things a couple times a month but we really need to get out more :)

  3. Great post. It makes me so excited to see if our now location bring a more active homeschooling group. Field trips are where it's at. It gives us something to look forward to, and then something to talk about in school. Every kid needs news to relate, right?
    We have a pretty quiet life, so I rely on my homeschool friends to make us get out and get active.
    It's great that you use your Kindle for school. I use the iPad and sometimes feel like I shouldn't, but the younger kids love it so much. They really pick up on concepts and how fun to watch them navigate like iPad pros..LOL
    Have a great day!
    Amy J

    1. I do love using the Kindle. I too feel bad sometimes but it can help him to understand a concept sometimes when Mommy can't. :) Thanks for coming by!


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