We had a pretty nice week this week. Here are some of my favorite things and what we made progress on this week.
1. Yesterday we had breakfast outside. It's almost too hot to do it any other time than breakfast or late in the evening. I use my new front porch whenever I can. It was a beautiful morning before all the storms hit.
2. Boo Bear and I got to have a Mommy/Son date this week. I like to take him out to eat sometimes just the two of us. It's nice to bond over that meal. Yes, we are together all the time but this is different time.
3. We are making progress in our homeschool. We are basically down to Math and Science right now. History is a subject we are easing into with the help of Liberty's Kids and some American Revolution studies. I haven't really done a lot of history because I really don't know what to use. So suggestions are welcome! We are trying to add more history in this year so I'm all ears!
4. I feel like we live in a Disney movie, or maybe a Discovery channel setting. Not that that's a bad thing. :) We have visitors showing up all the time here. This (not so ) little guy showed up again yesterday driving our dog crazy. She couldn't get outside to it so it was bugging her. We watched it trek across the yard eating grass as it went along. At one point we were watching the turtle, a squirrel, the Mama blue bird feeding her babies and other various birds at the birdbath. See? A Disney movie right?
5. We got to show Boo Bear one of our favorite movies as a child last night. I tell you, I absolutely loved this movie and still do. :-) He loved it too and that makes me happy! I couldn't believe I found it at Wal-Mart. Once I did, I told Hubby it was coming home with us. He totally agreed!!!

It is fun showing old movies to your kids. I have done that with a few movies. The Herbie movies are ones that I have made my kids watch.