Friday, December 26, 2014

Worship Leader's Choice Review and Giveaway!

Purchase at Family Christian
I've already talked about my love of music. I pretty much like most music with the exception of heavy metal. Just never did become a metalhead. ;)

I do have to say I'm partial to worship songs and those types of songs that just hit you right square in the heart. You know the ones I mean, right? The ones that you feel when you listen to them.

I love putting in a good CD to clean the house to, drive to or just have in the background. I just found one of my new favorites!

This new CD from Family Christian is one of those that you can't help but sing along to and get in a better mood. It's called the Worship Leaders Choice and it offers all the top worship songs that are playing on the radio and in churches today.

You know those favorite worship songs you're hearing at your church on Sundays? I bet they are on here! CCLI was used to determine the #1 songs being sung in the church and that is how this list came to be. The album is amazing and just lifts your spirits no matter what may be going on around you.

Songs include popular titles such as:

- Oceans
- Break Every Chain
- I Surrender
- And lots more of your favorites!!

The CD is running for less than $10.00 and is a great addition to your music collection. If you're like me, music goes with you everywhere. This is definitely one I am keeping in my car or in the house close at hand.

Sometimes you just need to put some music on and get alone with God. With these worship songs you can do just that. Put them in the background while you're doing your devotional or just while you're spending some one on one time with the Father.

With this CD review I am also able to offer a giveaway for a $10 Family Christian Certificate. Remember what I said about the price? Enter the giveaway and you may just get it for free!

Check out the song list on the album by visiting Family Christian's site. Tell me what your favorite song on the CD is and enter the giveaway below!


I love to hear from you!