Monday, April 6, 2015

Real Life Homeschool Day 1: A day in the life...

This week I'm joining other bloggers from the TOS Review Crew to share real life homeschooling with you. Today I'm going to give you a look into our day. This is what a typical day may look like in our homeschool, although homeschool can be anything but "typical". So come with me on a school day here in our home.

5:15 - I hit the snooze maybe once but most times I get up. From 5:15 till around 7:00 I do my devotional, work, drink some coffee and get myself up and ready for the day. This is my time to get myself prepared for the day ahead and make sure my brain is ready. :)

7:00 Typically Boo Bear wakes up around now or maybe a little later. It honestly depends on how his asthma is doing. Our last few days have been him getting up earlier for a breathing treatment and then he might fall asleep again.

8:00 Breakfast time

8:30-9:00 - Chores - I get a load of laundry going. Put the dishes in the dishwasher and get school stuff together to start our day.

9:00-10:00 - Our first session of the day. I have recently put our schedule into block sessions to try this out. So far so good. This first session usually contains subjects such as Science and Math. I try to get those two done first. They are his more in depth subjects and it makes sure they get done when they are first.

10:00-10:30 Break Time. I'm trying to add in more breaks during our day. Honestly the past few months we have been just pushing right on through till lunch and we need a new strategy. This gives us a few minutes to reboot and get ready for the next session.

10:30-12:00 - Second Session - This session includes items such as cursive writing, Art, Grammar, Spelling and quiet reading time. The Grammar and Spelling we use are typically just 15 minute sessions. He works on those at his desk and I assist as he needs it.

The Art lesson we work on together. We are currently reviewing a great curriculum and we will share it with you soon. We read the lesson together first.

Then he works on the assignment for the day.

Quiet reading time is 30 minutes of reading a book of his choice. He can choose what book to work on and find a spot that is cozy and comfy to him. Sometimes he reads out loud to the dog and sometimes just to himself.

12:00 - 1:00 Break - We break for lunch around 12 as long as we are finished. I fix lunch and Boo Bear can watch a show on Netflix, play or do whatever he might like during this time. I check emails, social media and take care of the laundry during this time. I also get some downtime and might read or watch a show. It all depends on what is going on in that day.

1:00-3:00 Extra Stuff - This is when we finish subjects we might not have made it through. It's also time for Boo Bear to practice Guitar lessons. He does this for 30 minutes everyday. We work on a variety of things during this time frame. PE, books, documentaries etc.

3:00-5:00 - Free Time!  Yep. Time to chill out and have some downtime. I usually work, read or relax catching up on my favorite shows. Boo Bear will watch a movie, read, play with LEGOS or something of the sort. This is also time we run errands when they are needed. Sometimes that includes library visits with friends or going to the park. Typically it's just downtime where both of us can unwind from the day. 

5:00-6:00 - Dinner Prep and Cook 

6:00 Daddy usually is home by now and we eat dinner 

7:00-9:00 Free time with Dad. We watch movies, play games and just have some downtime for the whole family together. 

9:00 - Bed time for Boo Bera 

9:00-10:00 Time with Daddy for me and bedtime soon follows. 

The next day it all starts over again :). 

I'll be sharing a look at our real life homeschool this week. This is going to get real folks so be ready! You might see dirty dishes in the sink or clutter in places I would not normally share. But we are being REAL, right? So take this journey with us this week and see what homeschool/life really looks like. Don't forget to click the pic below and see what the other bloggers are sharing this week! 

Discover real life in other homeschools with the Schoolhouse Review Crew bloggers! Join the blog hop to read more!

Here are a few of the blogs you'll see this week

Every Bed of Roses
Ben and Me
Footprints in the Butter
Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Counting Our Blessings
Homeschooling for His Glory
Ozark Ramblings
Chestnut Grove Academy
Only Passionate Curiosity
Farm Fresh Adventures

Real Life Homeschool Blog Hop

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