Friday, April 3, 2015

Week in Review: Spring Break is Over...

Last week we had our spring break a little earlier than I had initially intended. We decided to take a trip up to see my parents since it was the best week to do it. This coming month we have lots of field trips and getting caught up on school stuff planned. So last week was it.

This barn is one of my favorite things on their land. It was built a long time ago and has seen many different animals and stored lots of dreams. It is an amazing photo spot and one of those buildings you just love to see. It will be a sad day when/if it is ever torn down.

Boo Bear got to ride the four wheeler with Papa and Blaze. Blaze loves to ride just as much as Boo Bear does :). Seriously. He's so funny when he knows he's going for a ride.

We got to see the "coolest uncle ever" per my kiddos words. I think he's pretty neat myself.

We added in a little education while on vacation. We went to see a Civil War Reenactment. It was a little memorial park near my folks house and was the first time I had ever seen anything like it. We talked about it a little and I plan on doing a study on the war soon. He had a blast seeing the cannons and guns fire and the battle take place.

I also introduced my kiddo to the yummiest Grape flavored drink ever. I mean it. Ever!

Of course you can only get it up there where my parents live. So when we ran out my kiddo asked them to bring some back with them :). 

This week was back to school. We got started on our new Human Anatomy Apologia Science book. I'm combing it with the Visual Learning Systems we reviewed a few weeks ago. It works well to pick out the specific topics, like cells, to dig a little deeper into.

We worked on our cursive handwriting, reading and math as well. It was kind of a lighter week for us as we were traveling Monday and Tuesday was a recuperate day. We did a few Easter crafts this week too.

I am finding myself a little sad. I love all the crafts and things I see on Pinterest but I have to admit they are usually the preschool ones. Sigh.. My kiddo is growing up way tooooo fast for my liking. He's almost as tall as Mimi now!

I don't know why it bugged me this week so much but it did. :-) One of those, holy cow my kiddo is going to turn 9 soon and he's not into the "little" kid stuff anymore. Anybody else out there have one of those weeks?

At least he still likes to color Easter eggs with me :). We did those last night since we have a lot of stuff planned in the next few days.

So what have you guys been up to this week? Did you have any special Easter events or do you have any traditions for the weekend? We are excited about church Sunday morning and celebrating the resurrection. Hope you have a blessed weekend ahead!!

I'm linking up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, Homegrown Learners and Our 4 Kiddos.


  1. Watching our children grow is bittersweet...I totally hear you.

  2. It really does look like spring! What a lovely week you had!

    1. Thank you Phyllis ! It's almost like summer here with temps in the 80's!

  3. What a nice week... so many activities... so many memories made. :)

  4. Spring has come to your world. What a fun vacation.
    Blessings, Dawn

  5. How funny that the dog enjoys riding too! Sounds like a great visit with family! They do grow up so quickly, huh? My youngest is now 10 and doesn't like lapbooking or crafts. :/ In some ways school is much easier (on my printer), but I miss the crafty learning times. Happy Easter!

    1. I know what you mean Jessy! We still get some in but it's not near what we used to!

  6. What a fun visit! That cabin looks wonderful and I would have loved to see a Civil War reenactment. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!

  7. Hi popping over from the weekly wrap up :) Firstly I have to say "I LOVE your dog!" we have a border collie too, she is grey and white (or what they technically call 'blue'). What a fun week you have had! We are in Australia so it's Autumn here now rather than Spring but we love this time of year and it has been raining a lot. Easter fun happening for us here too :)

    1. I love Autumn myself too! It's a great time of year. Happy Easter and have a wonderful weekend ahead!

  8. I know how you feel about your son outgrowing some of the cool crafts, Jenni. My just-turned-10-year-old is right on the cusp, and my 11 yr old daughter is probably there already. However I'm thrilled this term to be babysitting my 4 year old nephew one afternoon a week, which gives me the perfect excuse for messy play!


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