We have been homeschooling since Kindergarten with the exception of about six months during second grade. I've done a lot of research and tried avoiding the homeschool burnout but it inevitably shows up. I took a look at this course by Stephanie Walmsley and was immediately intrigued by the idea of a fresh start.
What is it?
Stephanie comes in and gives you a 26 week course that helps you make homeschool easy and fun in your home. If you're starting out as a new homeschooler, this course gives you tools you need to get started the right way. If you're a veteran, this course will give you some ideas to freshen up your schedule, learn how to reset some goals for the future and avoiding homeschool burnout.

Each week your lesson is delivered via email in a PDF format. You can print it out and put in a binder for your use to refer back to at any time. For me, I kept it online and printed out the question/answer pages and some of the forms she provides. It was just easier for me to keep it in my email folder to go back to.
Every week your lesson will cover a different aspect of homeschooling. For example, the first week was making a schedule. You should decide what time of day works better for you and your family. Are you a morning family? Do you work better fresh out of bed and after some coffee? Then schedule your school time for morning. Do you work better in the afternoon (after lots of coffee)? Then start your school work for that time of day. Whatever works best for you is when you should choose to run your homeschool days. I printed out the schedule and started making ours up. For us, the morning seems to work better.
- What are your goals for homeschooling?
- Are you taking care of yourself?
- What are your outside commitments?
- Am I living vicariously?
- What am I giving my child that I wanted as a child
This questions dig into you and what your plans are. It helps you to set out clear goals on why you're homeschooling and what you want to see in the future for your child, and yourself.
How I Used it and What I Thought...
I would do my lessons each morning after my devotional time. Stephanie recommends taking time for yourself and sitting down to focus on the questions at hand. I would read through the material she provided and print out the question sheets so I could write my answers out. Sometimes they were easy to answer and other times I had to think long and hard about what my answer was.
To me this program is amazing and inspiring for you no matter how long you've been homeschooling. The Successful Homeschooling Made Easy course was easy to understand and use. It made me think about a lot and honestly helped me get our schedule back under control. I was able to set up a time frame and better structure for our homeschool day. It has also helped Boo Bear to know what time we start, where breaks are etc. I have to admit I had honestly stopped doing breaks. We were just plowing through our day. When I realized how good those breaks were for both of us, things skyrocketed into a better day.
I highly suggest giving yourself some time to take this course no matter where on your homeschooling journey you may be. The lessons are not too long and you can do them on your time. It's just for you to encourage you and help you get a plan in place that makes homeschooling easy.
Check out the link below to hear what others thought about this program and how it helped them.

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