Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Super Teacher Worksheets: Individual Membership Review

Even though we are "homeschooling", most times you'll find us schooling on the road. Between doctors appointments, field trips, extra classes, volunteer work... It's always something and that means getting in regular "bookwork" can be hard. In steps the recent review we received, Super Teacher Worksheets

Super Teacher Worksheets Review

We received their Individual Membership  to review. Super Teacher Worksheets is a website full of worksheets and PDF files for you to print out for your student. You'll find everything in one place from Pre-K sheets to Basic Algebra math worksheets. All of the subjects are covered and you'll discover a host of ways to help your child review their current work or play games to help them seal those new facts they've learned in. 
Super Teacher Worksheets Review
What We Used...
On Tuesday mornings I typically help out at our church so Boo Bear is doing school work during that time. I bring along his workbooks like math sheets, spelling, reading etc for him to work on while I'm volunteering. With this program, I was able to print out several worksheets for him to easily do while I was busy. Since we were working on fractions, multiplication, and division in our math curriculum, I went to the Super Teachers site and printed him out some of those to work on. 

We used a variety of these sheets for our road schooling work. We have a lot of extra classes this year so being able to print out sheets to grab and take with us is so wonderful. He really liked the different types of sheets and that it didn't seem to be as much work as when Mama is sitting there with him. ;-)
The site offers you a variety of subjects including math, reading, phonics, writing, maps, and more! There is a worksheet generator as well if you want to create your own sheets with the subjects you're currently working on. You'll also find neat holiday printables for the kids to work on making it more fun to do school.
Super Teacher Worksheets Review
Here's a shot of the Halloween diorama Boo Bear created from one of the printables available. 

We also printed out the book bingo for 4th grade reading. This is set up just like a bingo board and your child reads the books in the list and colors in the spots as they go along. When they get them in a line, you guessed it, BINGO! You can set up rewards for their reading with this sheet. I'm going to use it with his Book-It program. 

This site is very user friendly and you can honestly get sucked in looking around for quite awhile. I would lose time as I was browsing all the fun and exciting sheets they offer. There's really something for everything in there! 
Super Teacher Worksheets Review
What we thought...  In case you can't tell already, I loved this review! On those days when we are running from one place to the next, these sheets give me the confidence that school is still being done. While I try to get out of the public school mind frame I have, it's hard at times when it feels like we are away from home more than at home. 

These PDF files make it easy to plan a day of activities outside of the house while still getting some work finished. They are fun and engaging for the kids as well. You'll also find some amazing printables for teachers including certificates to encourage your students.

I would highly recommend this site to anyone who is homeschooling for those days when you aren't at home or to just reiterate topics learned. With a ton of games, practice sheets, and even new lessons to learn, this site is a wealth of knowledge and help to you as the parent/teacher!

Check them out on social media at the links below and click the banner to see how other TOS  reviewers used the Super Teacher Worksheets site. 
Super Teacher Worksheets Review
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