Reading is a huge part of our homeschool. Boo Bear has loved to hear stories since he was very little. (He'd rather listen to them than read them, but we're working on that). To fuel our love of reading, we recently received the Progeny Press downloadable digital study guide for Stone Fox. I hate to admit I've never heard of this story before but knew Boo Bear would enjoy it since it was dealing with animals. I was right!
Progeny Press offers a vast amount of study guides for literature to help your child, and sometimes you, grasp all the concepts these rich, full books have to offer. Whether you need to breathe some new life into your literature curriculum, or you're just wanting to dive more into a particular book, these guides can help you do that and so much more!
What it is: The Stone Fox study guide has a wealth of information for you to use while you're reading the book. The guide offers items such as background information on the location, notes about the author, and maps to assist you in showing your child where they are learning about.
The guide itself is broken down in segments based on two chapters at a time. In each section you find activities that range from looking up vocabulary words to learning the difference in synonyms and antonyms. Each section also asks questions about what your child just read to make sure they have a good understanding of what is taking place in the story. This guide is rated for upper elementary students and Progeny Press has a variety of age groups available.
How we used it: We printed off our entire downloadable guide and started reading the book right away. If you have Adobe 9 on your computer, you can actually open up the guide, allow your child to type in the answers, and save it on the computer. I just had my hubby print it out for me so we could take it wherever we were. We also checked this book out at our local library as we did not have it at our home.
We would tag team read where I'd read a page or two and Boo Bear would read some. This seems to help him want to read more and gives him a break so he doesn't feel overwhelmed.
After we read the certain chapters for the study guide, we would then talk about the activities together. Sometimes I let him do the worksheets on his own and others I'd ask him the questions and write the answers he gave down. He's a typical boy and doesn't like to write a lot so oral questions help us both get through the day.
At the end of the guide you'll find the answer key in case you're unsure of the answers. There's also a section of resources that are related to the book and topic you're reading about. Ours was a story about a young boy and a dogsled team so we have resources listed to learn more about that topic. It also shares a long list of other books that you might be interested in.
In all honesty that's a huge help to Mama. I am always unsure of what we should be reading or what books are out there. Boo Bear typically picks out non-fiction animal books when we hit the library so I don't always remember the classics I should.
What we thought: We both enjoyed the book and the guide together. I like the fact that Progeny Press helps me dig deeper into great literature with Boo Bear without me having to come up with the questions. (yes. I admit it. I want things pre-made for me sometimes.) The guides are very thorough and you learn much more than just about the story. You're learning grammar, vocabulary, how to think about what you read, and so much more!!!
If you're looking for a new way to dive into a novel or classic literature, these Unit Study Workbooks are the way to go. These are such an awesome to learn a vast amount of items, all by just reading one book at a time.
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