Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thankful Thursday : Halfway There!!!

We are halfway there! So here goes! Let's keep on moving and being thankful!

500. I'm thankful that God is true to His word. That what He says you can believe.

501. I'm thankful for the power of prayer. It works! Not always in how we think it should, but God always comes through and answers. We just have to be ready for what His response is :)

502. I'm thankful for friends and family that stick with you through the ups and downs of life.

503. I'm thankful for the giggles, laughter, and all out craziness that runs through our home.

504. I'm thankful for dreams coming true. For God hearing your deepest desires and providing a way, even if you think it'll never happen. Keep dreaming!

505. I'm thankful for the new opportunities He has brought my way.

506. I'm thankful for the freedom and adventure that homeschooling offers. I'm thankful that we have learned how to turn almost anything into a lesson ;).

507. I'm thankful for this crazy kid right here. I'm thankful that even when he has to have a shot or something not so fun, he's got a smile on his face. I'm thankful that he couldn't even look mad in his mad shot.

508. I'm thankful for fun adventures in the future. Not sure what they'll be just yet, but I know they are coming. 

509. I'm thankful for the gift of this blog. For a place to share my thoughts, put them outside so I can think about them. A place to be myself. A place to just be.

So what are you thankful for this week? Remember... Counting your blessings turns your whole attitude around. Even when things look their darkest, there's still a light of blessings shining through! 

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