Thursday, September 5, 2024

**Review and Giveaway!** The Life In Christ Bible

I am super excited to share this new bible release and review from Nelson bibles. The Life In Christ Bible tackles something that is so distorted in our society today: Identity. 

With so many issues surrounding the identity of who we are in the world, our identity has always been found in Christ. This new Nelson bible helps to show you that exact thing through the pages of God's written word. It's super exciting to dive into this version and see how God has so beautifully written about who we are and our purpose throughout the Bible itself. 

The good news is that God has a specific purpose for your life! You're not just floundering around in this world alone and aimless. God has a plan, a purpose, and a design specifically for you. Knowing where to find that can be overwhelming. That's why we have the Word to guide us step-by-step. 

This new version of the Bible offers insight into God's design and our identity with powerful helps throughout the entire book. These helps include:

  • Introductions to each book and features of the identity-related themes you'll find
  • 1,000 chain referenced notes
  • 16-identity focused themes that are expanded on with 70 articles throughout
  • Charts
  • Cross-references and translator's notes
  • NKJV comfort print
  • And much more!
I love the identity themed articles you'll find that are connected with guides to tell you where the next one is. For example, I read one in Proverbs discussing a parent's role as their children progress into adulthood. This is the phase we are in right now. It's difficult sometimes knowing what to do and parent's often lose their identity in "mom or dad" and forget who they are. Sometimes we all need a little reminder that we are a child of the King. The article brings encouragement, a scripture focus, and then guides you to other topics in the same theme. These are a great way to do a study on identity for an extended period of time. 

Other aspects that The Life In Christ Bible will help you discover include:
  • Why you matter, not because of what you do, but because of you being made in the image of God
  • Learn how the Gospel of Jesus makes us a new creation
  • Discover how learning who God says you are will change the way you act, speak, think, and see the world around you

You can order your copy of The Life In Christ Bible by clicking the link today!

You can also enter a chance to win your own copy below! HarperCollins has so graciously offered for one of my readers to get an opportunity to win this awesome new addition to your Bible collection. Enter below by commenting your favorite scripture that encourages you! 

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.**

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Nothing Is The Same

 Nothing is the same. Not since February 2020. No matter how hard we try to go "back to normal", we can't. Believe me, I want normal of two years ago to come back as much as the next person. However, our reality is, that it isn't. Nothing will go back. 

That doesn't mean it has to be a bad thing. Our minds tell us that "normal" is what we crave but we need to understand that we can live and thrive without our "normal". It hurts. It's painful and infuriating at times. Our emotions, our reactions, our thoughts have forever been changed by the past two years. Some of us it's been for the better. Some have drawn closer to God and realized they can't do life without Him. And you shouldn't.

Others have grown farther and farther from the loving Savior that longs to be in the midst of all the mess with you. Our world around us has us seeing chaos, murder, hatred, and violence on every single channel. Everywhere you turn someone's angry about the server not getting their food fast enough, the person in front of them not driving as soon as the light turns green, the person next to them having trouble deciding on a purchase that is stopping them from moving forward. All the while these emotions driving us make us forget that who we're angry at is another person living in this same craziness that we are. 

We turn at each other over differences of opinions, fighting against each other because we aren't the same. Instead of loving each other and pointing towards the Cross, we spit vile hatred and disgust. 

Nothing is the same. 

And yet... some things didn't change. 

Jesus is still on the throne sitting beside His Father ever interceding for those of us here. The enemy is still trying to thwart God's plans and destroy people but God wins every. single. time.

There's still a chance to turn from sin, let go of unforgiveness, and live life chasing hard after God. There's still a Father in heaven that cares deeply about you and every single thing that happens in your life. There's still our Father that is waiting patiently for you to choose Him. He loves you so much that He won't force it on you. You must choose. 

The world around us wants us to believe that God is just rules, regulations, and a harsh dictator waiting to smite you. That couldn't be farther from the truth. See, He's waiting on you. Waiting for you to choose Him. Waiting on you to choose life. 

Instead of getting angry at something out of your control today, stop and think. How can I be kindness today? How can I show God's love to someone who may not ever step foot into a church? How can I be "Jesus with skin on today"? 

I don't say this pointing fingers. I say this with a humble heart. I am this person too. I am the quick to anger at times person who needs to stop and remember... Nothing is the same... But God never changed. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

KJV Bible Review and GIVEAWAY! (Sponsored Opportunity)


Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by to check out my little space in the blog-o-sphere. Today we're going to take a look at three different Holman bibles that are sure to be beneficial to a variety of ages.

I am thankful to Lifeway and Lev3l Digital for this amazing chance to investigate and explore three KJV bibles. These are full of helpful tools for bible study for all ages.

While I do utilize several translations during study time, I always find myself back in KJV. It is one of my favorite versions. What about you? 

I was given the opportunity to review three different bibles:

  1. Holman KJV Ultrathin Reference Bible
  2. Holman KJV - One Big Story Bible (children's)
  3. Holman KJV Study Bible

Choosing your bible translation is a very personal choice. It's one that you don't take lightly. When it comes to finding a version you can rely on, the KJV has been around for years. 

In the beginning of the 1600's, the King James Version was translated. Those translating God's word at the time were the top scholars of their day. Their focus was to give a translation that would last generations to come and it has. People from all walks of life turn to the KJV for their bible study, reading, and preaching.

The versions I received are beautifully bound and full of wonderful tools to help as you study the Word. 

Holman KJV Ultrathin Reference
This version of the KBJ fits easily in a bag or goes along with you as it is very lightweight. The two-column text and easy to read type make this one that will not strain your eyes no matter your age. In the center column you'll find references that help you to dive deeper into the passage you're reading. There's a concordance, full-color maps, and all the Words of Christ are in red.

Holman KJV - One Big Story Study Bible (Children's)
Are you looking for the perfect addition to your children's walk with God? Then take a look at this version! It is brightly adorned with beautiful pictures and full-page illustrations in color. Every book of the bible has an introduction to help your children understand the details. There are 100 verses to remember highlighted throughout the bible, as well as big-words dictionary and the big questions and answers sections. It also features what is called the Christ Connection. This shows your children how Christ is truly woven through each story in the bible.

Holman KJV Study Bible
For those looking to dive deeper into their bible study, this may be the option for you! The bible comes with full color visuals throughout to help you see both the context and structure of the scripture. It is easy to lay the bible open flat with the beautiful, high-quality, smyth-sewn binding. Full-length articles sprinkled throughout help to cover the theological issues that take place, as well as the practical issues such as the origin and transmission of the Bible itself. You'll find multiple references in the edges, words of Christ in red, and three columns of study notes on the bottom edges of the page. Take advantage of the one-year and three-year bible reading plans as well. 

I have really enjoyed thumbing through these three versions and checking out the many benefits to each one. I love the children's version with all the colorful tools to help your youngest child understand the Big Story of God's love for them. These three are great versions of the KJV bible for all walks of life! 

Need Help?

Want to know what is the best KJV bible for you is? Then make sure you check out the Find Your KJV Bible Tool. This helps you find everything from the perfect pocket sized bible or one for your purse to the perfect Study Bible with all the award-winning study tools you need at your fingertips. You can also find weekly specials with savings up to 50% as well!

Here's your chance to win one of these three versions for yourself! Be sure to comment below which one of the versions you'd want to win and share the giveaway with friends! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 30, 2020

Just Be Present


Christmas is upon us. This year has been one of chaos at every turn it seems. Moms have had to learn to school at home, deal with a virus that strikes fear into even the bravest, wonder what next year will look like, and NOW it’s time for the holidays. 

Many of us have ideas in our minds of what the holidays should look like. If you’re like me there is a list. A list of all the items that you just HAVE to get taken care of for it to be THE picture perfect holiday. Mama, please hear me. There’s no such thing. Food is going to get burned. Children are going to have their tired tantrums that come.  Gifts aren’t going to get there on time due to no fault of your own. Things are not going to go as you always want them to. That. Is. Okay!

Hear me, your family needs you to be present. As moms, we tend to hold all of these ideals of what we think it should look like and become buried under the weight of our own expectations. These expectations of ours can make us feel as if we are smothering and cause us to completely miss the one thing our family truly needs, us. 

Before the hustle and bustle gets to you, let’s stop and pray. Stop and remind yourself to give grace to someone it can be hard to give it to, yourself. Remember to breathe. Yes, a list and expectations are great. However, don’t let them take over. It’s okay if it looks different this year. You be present in the moment. Stop, drink your coffee, tea, or cocoa and be present. 

1 Peter 5:7 says, “ Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”

I want to encourage you, start off the day with some time for prayer, reflection, and getting yourself focused. It will make a huge difference. Ask Him for strength for the must do’s and the wisdom to know what you can let go of. Help your children experience this holiday season with a mom that is in the moment, breathing, and soaking it up. 

You are loved. You are enough. You are a precious lady and amazing mother. Do not ever forget that. 

If you’d like prayer, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Talk with someone close to you or you can always message me. I’m praying for you. You got this Mama!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Holy Land Illustrated Bible Review and GIVEAWAY!!


I'm super excited to share with you another great Bible product that you're going to want to pay attention to! This product was sent to me for review and I'm so honored to get to pass it on to you. 

I love using a variety of Bible's in studying when I'm preparing for a message. It helps me to get a variety of perspectives, notes, and insight into the topic. This is a GREAT addition to my study! 

The new Bible I want to share with you is the Holy Land Illustrated Bible in the Christian Standard Version.

I am a believer for sure. I've read the Bible my entire life and I believe what it says. However, there's something unique and faith-building when you can actually SEE the places you're talking about. Lazarus' tomb? It's in there! A picture of the mountain believed to be where Moses met God? YEP! 

This bible contains a variety of helps such as:

  • 1200 plus maps, illustrations, and images of people, places, and different artifacts in scripture
  • Digging Deeper sections to help you dive into the story even more to see why it's important
  • Over 270 articles that share insight into the world and the culture when the Bible was written
  • Intros for the books of the Bible to help you know the author, time and setting of the book when it was written
Take a quick look at this video below to see an inside view of the Holy Land Illustrated Bible:

This bible was published and is offered by Lifeway Christian Resources. It is a fantastic gift or addition to the library of those who want to be immersed visually into the Word. Making the Word come alive can help you to understand, retain, and grow in your faith. 

The bible comes in variety of versions including the hard back like I received and also leathertouch and genuine leather. You can take a look at purchasing the Bible by clicking here.

My thoughts:

I remember looking through the Bible and seeing the picture of Lazarus's tomb. I was honestly overwhelmed. I know it's there. I know it happened. SEEING it was a totally new experience. I have loved diving into the different articles, digging deeper sections and learning even more. I am definitely a visual learner so this is very helpful to have all of it in one book. Instead of having to go to multiple sources, this provides a lot of insight and assistance all in one place. 

I would recommend this as a gift for those in your life who want to dive deeper into the Word, to see what they're reading about, and who really love learning the history and culture. It's also a great purchase for yourself if that describes you! 

NOW, for more exciting news!!! I am honored to be able to give away this bible! You must be 18 years or older to enter and live in the United States!

Be sure to enter to win below and comment what your favorite study bible is. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, April 17, 2020

Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible Review & GIVEAWAY! (Sponsored Post)

Life Essentials Bible Review

Having a solid study bible on hand is critical to diving deeper in the scripture. There are many options out there that are great, but I want to present you a new option that I hope you enjoy! I was recently asked to review the Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible by Gene A. Getz. Dr. Getz is a renowned teacher of the Bible and provides an in depth look at the guiding principles and wisdom throughout the entire book. If you'd like to hear from Dr. Getz for yourself, here's a video of how he came about to develop this study bible that was released on March 15, 2020. Take a look below at all the wonderful features of this study bible and make sure to check out the giveaway down at the bottom of the post! 

What's in the Bible?

This study bible takes an interactive approach to diving deeper into God's word. Throughout the bible, you will find sections called Principles. Each of these are a look deeper into the specific life lesson that God is sharing in that specific passage of scripture. Each principle has notes and questions, but also a scannable QR code for you to interact with that specific passage. The QR code will let you to a video where Dr. Getz is actually teaching that principle. It is a great way to read the Word, hear the Word, and study it all at the same time. For some of us, video or audio make it easier to grasp the concept you're trying to understand. For others, reading it is the best way. This bible offers multiple ways for you to study the scriptures deeper than you may have before. There's also questions in the principles to help you study in your own life or to have for a small group study if you're working with others. 

There are over 1500 different videos that can be used in this study bible for you to interact with. They vary in length, depending on the topic at hand. The reasoning behind putting these principles in the way they are is to help us all apply the scripture to our life every day. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand some of the scriptures and how it actually applies to us. Dr. Getz has come alongside you to have a bible teacher in your home while you study. I personally like to study a variety of bible versions at one time in my own devotion time. I like to have several open to the same passage to help me compare each and all the notes that are provided. It has helped tremendously having the video teaching as well. If you want to watch a video, you can. If you prefer to study the questions and read for yourself, you do that as well. 

Each principle is highlighted in a blue section on the page that is near the scripture it is referring too. You can see that in the picture below.

Another very cool feature to these principles is that while you're reading, there are sections that refer back to a previous principle mentioned before. For example, while reading in Luke chapter 19 verse 45-47, there are blue notes to refer you back to a principle in Isaiah. You can see how the scripture is all woven together and how each lesson is shown throughout the word itself. 

Other Features:

There are many other features of this study bible that include: 
  • Two-color design in the interior
  • Concordonce
  • Full color maps
  • Commentary
  • Questions to help study deeper
  • Nice sized font
  • Introduction page to each book
  • Introduction to the principles in that book
  • Smyth sewn binding
  • Footnotes
  • Christian Standard Version

What is Christian Standard Version or CSV?

I know there are of us that prefer King James over anything else. I find myself leaning more towards ESV these days as it seems the closest to the King James but in easier to understand English. However, the CSB is a great option as well for those who are new believers or those who need help understanding. It is easy to read and understand for all ages. The CSB was created to stay faithful to the original writings of scripture while giving you clarity at the same time. However, I would never tell you which version you should choose to go with. I highly suggest you research the options out there and choose the one you feel the most confident in. 

You need to understand what you're reading as well as have the closest thing to the original as you possibly can. 

Now for some fun!

I have been given the amazing opportunity to offer one of these bibles to YOU in a giveaway below! Be sure to click the Rafflecopter link for entry and comment below what your favorite version of the bible is. Do you have a study bible at home already? 

Thank you for stopping in to hang out with me and talk about a new study option out there to help you grow in your walk with Christ. Be blessed! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thankful Thursday

920. I'm very thankful for an amazing group of students I get to hang out with every single week. They push me to be on my toes, to laugh, and to enjoy life.

921. I'm thankful for my husband. This week we will celebrate 16 years of marriage. God has blessed us with an amazing life together and I can't wait to see what our future holds.

922. I'm thankful that he loves my team too. Course, when you marry a girl from Bama, you don't really have a choice. Or, at least, that is what he's said.

923. I'm thankful for the cooler weather we have been having. Finally feels like the holiday season here in the south.

924. I'm thankful for friends God has placed in my life. Those who never cease to push me to get past myself. Those who do not let me tap out but continue to encourage, correct, and sharpen me.

925. I'm thankful for shopping days with the fams

926. I'm thankful for homeschooling. It is tough, but it is so worth it.

927. I'm thankful for the amazing growth in our youth ministry. This is truly God at work and I get a front row view of it every day.

928. I'm thankful for peppermint mocha coffee

929. I'm thankful for exciting adventures and God experiences this week as we head to our annual youth conference.

What are you thankful for today?