Monday, September 29, 2014

Veggie Tales Celery Night Fever DVD Review and Giveaway!!

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"Broccoli, Celery, Gotta be.. Veggie Tales!! " I have been singing that song long before my child was ever born. When I first heard of Veggie Tales and watched them in the store I worked in at the mall, I knew one day I'd watch them with my kiddo. And I did!

These songs stick in your head and you'll find yourself randomly singing them when you're cooking, eating or shopping for veggies. Oh and if you can't find your hairbrush? Yep. "Oh where... is my hairbrush?". These guys are awesome! Then there's the Song of the Cebu and I don't got a belly button, and they just keep on coming!

Remember I told you a few months back I got the chance to be a Family Christian Blogger? Well that means that I recently got the chance to review the new Veggie Tales DVD, Celery Night Fever.

  VeggieTales Celery Night Fever, available August 2014 

Don't you just love Larry's wig? Oh it's awesome! Get ready for some disco fever to hit your house with this new episode.

When my son opened the package he was so excited and the first thing he did was put it in the DVD player.

And he watched it. Three times. Within the first 24 hours we had it. I think that says something, don't you?

This Veggie Tales episode features Terry Crews as Bruce Onion. He's a new character and one that has to learn a lesson or two on forgiveness. The exciting adventures that the Veggie Tales go on this time helps them learn about friendships, forgiveness and working together. Even Junior and Laura learn a thing or two about friendships and forgiving each other.

In this episode Junior and Laura have a big task ahead of them. They must help save their favorite Celery Park from Mr. Bruce Onion's plans of tearing it down. They decide to get a concert going to raise funds for their park and want to reunite the Groovy Brothers Band to do the concert.

The plan seems like it will not work because the band has reasons they split up in the first place and they don't want to let those go. Then they remember that God forgives us and that they should too. Once the band is back together, well, you have to watch it to find out the rest!

Oh, have you ever wondered what puppy would be absolutely perfect for Larry? He has and in the new silly song, you'll find out which one works just right!!

As usual the Veggie Tales made a homerun with this new episode just released. So are you ready for an even more exciting part? You could win this episode too!!!!!!

Just enter the giveaway below for your chance to own this awesome newly released Veggie Tales DVD.

So tell me, which is your absolute favorite episode or silly song of the Veggie Tales?


  1. My favorite silly song is the hairbrush song.

  2. I'm with you. Those Veggie Tale vegetables were my friends long before they were my daughters! A good post!

    1. Thanks Traci! I have been singing those Silly songs for years ;)

  3. We are a Veggie loving' family....not the kind on your plate either. My two personal favorite songs (because who can have just one??!!) is "God is bigger than the Boogeyman" and "Oh where is my hairbrush." Honestly, over the years we have used the hairbrush song and changed a word here and there to work in just about every family situation. (Oh, where is the kitty? Oh why is there laundry? Oh why are you crying? etc.) LOL

    1. We do the same thing! Oh where is my purse? Oh where is my cell phone ;) LOL

  4. The Hairbrush song and I Love my Lips! We love Veggie Tales around here!

  5. Favorite silly song? Isn't that like asking which is your favorite child?

    My sentimental favorite is the Song of the Cebu. Because that was the first Veggie Tale movie we owned.

    As it turns towards fall, though, the Oh, Santa one may be my current fave. But I also love... :)

  6. We are just starting to get into VeggieTales at our house, so I don't know any songs yet (this could be either a good or bad thing, haha!). Looking forward to learning a few thought.

  7. Such a tough choice, but My Cheeseburger is certainly one of our top choices. Also on the list: Pizza Angel, Where Is My Hairbrush and I Love My Lips.


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