Friday, September 5, 2014

Weekly Review: Science Class is Back!!

We had a great homeschool week here. We are gearing up for a full week next week so this was a great down week for us to progress with our school work. We are learning how to fit in new fun things like co-op, going back to Science class and lots of fun field trips. 

This week our Science class at the local center started up again. We go three times a month throughout the school year to learn science themes. This month is cooking and at first, Boo Bear wasn't interested. Yesterday he had an absolute blast! They came home with an apple crisp they made and we cooked it last night. It was quite tasty. Next week is knife skills. Umm.. yep. Knife skills. Better he learn how to handle it than cut himself like his Mama does. All. The. Time. 

Oh and one of the kids favorite parts of the science? They have these crazy creepy crawly creatures around the center. They just give me the heebie jeebies. 

We are progressing right along in our curriculum. We are in a review chapter for most of our language arts program. I do see a potential issue. Not really a problem but an issue I'll have to resolve. We are moving rather quickly in our science book and may be done before the end of the year. While that's not a bad thing, it does leave me trying to figure out the rest of the year :). 

This kid loves science. I mean LOVES it. He soaks it up like a sponge too. So I try to do fun experiments along the way that through in other lessons. Sometimes we do an experiment and don't quite get why it does what it does. When that happens we call Papa. :) He knows it! 

This week we did an experiment we found on Steve Spangler's Science site. It was a cool air pressure experiment where we learned about Bernoulli's Principle. Did I fully understand all the science speak in the definition of that principle? Absolutely not. Will we ask Papa to explain it in 3rd grade terms? Absolutely. It was still cool! 

Basically we made an empty soda can jump from one coffee mug to another by blowing on it. :)

So what have you been up to this week? Any cool sciencey things? Hope you had a great week! I'm linking up with Our 4 Kiddos,  Homegrown Learners and :

Weekly Wrap-Up


  1. Science is so much fun, isn't it? I wanted to be a scientist when I was young, but I had a lot of trouble memorizing (they would now call it an LD, but that was in the days before that was recognized) and my teachers all said that I couldn't be, so I stopped trying. If only I had been homeschooled as you are homeschooling your son!

    1. I wanted to be a scientist too. He does as well so I'm encouraging him as much as possible! It is a blast and it's so much fun!!!

  2. What a fun and easy experiment! I love Steve Spangler's stuff! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Melissa! Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. We love science too! What a fun experiment. I'll have to show my kids that one.

    1. Isn't it awesome? This was a fun one and we did another easy one yesterday with milk :) Thanks for stopping by and I hope your kiddos love this one too!

  4. That looks so very awesome! I just love hands-on fun in homeschool. Thanks for linking up with "My Week in Review." I hope you can join us again this week.


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