590. I'm thankful for immunotherapy seeming to help my kiddo. He's been through a long life of treatments, sickness, trouble breathing and allergies. We are finally on the path to something that seems to have helped. It's the first fall/winter we've ever gone without breathing treatments every single day.
591. I'm thankful and excited for a new adventure Boo Bear and I are on. We've kind of played around with him cooking before but now... Mama says... he is going to be responsible for getting dinner on the table one night a week. Start to finish. With help of course :) His first time was a success!!I love how our Golden is patiently waiting to see if he drops anything.. HAHAHA!
592. I love this kiddos smile and personality. He's tenderhearted, a perfectionist, compassionate, and crazy all in one. He has my love for plays and drama, and his daddy's sarcastic quick whit. He's a blessing in more ways than he'll ever know!
593. I'm thankful for the amazing zoo trip we took this past weekend. It was a much needed family day for all of us. We had a blast and I hope we can do more of this!
594. I'm thankful that reviews are starting to ship! It's so exciting and we have some amazing products coming up that I'm sure you'll love!!
595. I'm thankful for the craziness of schedules and routines. Yes. Right now it's wild and wacky and I wonder what I'm thinking sometimes. But I wouldn't change it for anything. We are having fun and learning and spending time together that you can't get back.
596. I'm thankful for hot chocolate, hot coffee, and these smiles.
597. I'm thankful for awesome friends who are ready to go spend a Friday in town with us at the drop of a hat.
598. I'm thankful for delicious soups that turn out just the way I wanted them.
599. I'm thankful for the servant's heart that I see developing in my kiddo. Yes. He is a typical kid but he's also not.
600. I'm thankful for the gift of playing the piano God has given me. It is much more than playing to me. It's an expression of my heart. It's a way to relieve stress. It's something I feel I can try to give to others.
601. I'm thankful for sermons that just speak right to you like there's no one else in the room.
602. I'm thankful for God showing time and time again that He's faithful. He answers prayers, although maybe not how we thought. He is an amazing God that loves and cares for us, even in our weakest moments.
603. I'm thankful for amazing family members that are there when you need them.
604. I'm thankful that working from home is a reality and not just a dream anymore. It is stressful. It's hard to find balance sometimes. It never leaves but it's a way to support my family and stay home to homeschool.
605. I'm thankful for my organization need. It keeps me out of trouble sometimes. It also drives me nuts and sometimes I wish I didn't have to have things the way I did. BUT... it does help me in the long run.
606. I'm thankful for field trips, studies with friends, and learning outside of the classroom.
607. I'm thankful for new adventures that are just around the corner.
608. I'm thankful that my kiddo is in the drama this spring. Although when the play rolls around, I'll be ready for a break, I'm so excited for him.
609. I'm thankful for the opportunities this blog has brought my way. I never imagined seven years ago when I started writing I'd be where I am today. Just... amazing...
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