Friday, May 27, 2011


Yeah! It is Friday! Better yet it is the last Friday of the school year. My son has three more days next week and pre- k is done. Poor little guy is tired of getting up and asked to skip school today. LOL He loves playing but says school is boring. ;o) I think he is as excited to start homeschooling as I am. Course I am trying to get my mind and plans together so it is kind of crazy here and I am glad I have three more days of school.

This morning I printed out our state's guidelines for what the standards are for Kindergartners. I was kind of surprised at the emphasis on certain items. There was one page for math while there were four pages of physical education items. Don't get me wrong, I believe those are important to learn. I just was slightly shocked at the emphasis on some items while others seemed lacking. I guess that is the benefit of homeschooling. :o) My parents are Science and English teachers so I am sure we will have those covered. I am working on getting our curriculum set up for this coming year. Since this is our first year and we are trying to develop this in the budget we are going with online resources and others that have been suggested. I am super excited to be doing the Geography curriculum from Erica over at Confessions of a Homeschooler.  Our reading program this year is a combination of things. One of the main items is You Can Read by Carisa. That with a combination of sight words from Erica and a few online games and items. We will also be getting some of the BOB books to make sure we have easy readers to help him get started.

I am very blessed to have my dad working on my math curriculum. :o) Boo Bear loves math and numbers and science so I am thinking our years will be heavily based on those two right now. Looking forward to all the experiments and lessons we will learn together.

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and Memorial Day weekend! Be safe and Blessed as you spend it with your family.

1 comment:

  1. I love to see new homeschooler parents jumping in there...especially with Math! Wishing your family great success!
    A fellow homeschool Mom & a new follower,
    ...because life IS a poem.


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