Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thankful Thursday

780. I am thankful to have celebrated 13 years of wedded bliss with this awesome guy this past week. He's amazing and more than I could have ever asked or dreamed for.

781. I'm thankful for healing for my mom in a very scary time recently. Thankful that she's home and mending can continue. We have lots of fun stuff to get into the next few weeks.

782. I'm thankful for my bucket list adventure we had this weekend. It was something I've always wanted to do and we were blessed to get to go. We went to the Iron Bowl!! In case you didn't know, that's the big Alabama/Auburn game. If you can't tell from the above pic, I'm an Alabama fan. My husband is a Bama fan because that's what you do when you marry a girl from Alabama. :)

783. I'm thankful  that I actually got to see the bands. You know when you watch it on TV they don't show that part. Yes. I'm a band nerd. :) But when you spend 6 years in the band, that's what happens HAHAHA!

784. I'm thankful that in the pictures that were taken this weekend I didn't feel uncomfortable. I felt better in pics than I have in awhile. I'm thankful that THM has been such a blessing to me.

785. I'm thankful that even though I went way off plan this weekend with eating, I didn't gain. Maintained but not gain is always good when you're in the holiday season :).

786. I'm thankful that even though I'm a southern girl who loves okra, I've found a new way to get in this healing amazing veggie...

787. I'm thankful for amazing friends that stepped up and helped or offered help during this crazy time recently. We are truly blessed!

788. I'm thankful that I can use things I've learned over the past year for my back pain to hopefully ward off the potential debilitating pain that is trying to rear it's ugly head. Between a cruddy bed mattress at the hotel, standing all day Saturday, and a 12-hour car ride home, it's trying to be fussy. Thankfully God has led me to some amazing stretches and techniques over the past year to keep it at bay...

789. I'm thankful for time away with the hubster. We haven't done that in nearly 10 years or more and it was a much needed, much valued trip together. Course we both missed our kiddo but we needed the time together to do something just us. It was amazing and cherished!

So what are you thankful for this week? Count your blessings and see what God has done! Even when times look dark or scary, God's still there doing and working things out for your favor!

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