Friday, January 11, 2013

Weekly Wrap-up

In our life this week... We have been getting right back on track. It's been a nice slowish week. :) We have been mainly sticking to our school schedule with a grocery trip thrown in there. I am honestly on the verge of becoming a hermit until this nasty flu season leaves. It is rough. We do not get the flu shot because we homeschool. I know we might should but I have a hard time finding a vaccine that does not have mercury in it. Plus we stay home... This season seems to be super bad though so we are taking  all sorts of precautions ( and lots of prayer) to avoid it. Besides, the shot was no guarantee you wouldn't get it. My dad had the shot and is getting over the flu right now... sigh...

In our homeschool  this week... We had a pretty productive week. We finished up our review in math and started our new unit. We started reading Mr. Popper's Penguins and it is a very fun book :). We are both enjoying it. We finished up our chapter in Science on Aquatic Herps. We will be taking a break from that book so we can review a new Science book coming soon. We are both excited about that as well. We also checked out an awesome art curriculum this week that a review will be coming soon on that as well. :) Lots of new stuff here.

Boo bear is doing well in reading if we can get him to do it. :) LOL We are basically going back over with our phonics program items that I think he needs a little help on. It's working, or seems to be, and we are both enjoying this new way of going about reading.

I found an app for my Kindle that he has also been doing daily practice on. It's for first grade and has math and language skills for drills. They are pretty great and he is loving it so far. I hope it continues.

Questions/thoughts I have... Do you have any great apps for school practice you like to use? If so please share them. I am looking for ways to incorporate fun stuff like that more so he doesn't get bored.

What's working/not working for us... So far so good right now. We are doing a variety of things together and it's going smoothly. I'm trying to get us a schedule with my new work and it's going well so far.. Just a little tweaking here and there.

I'm working on... The new science we will be doing. My new job. (praise the Lord) and trying to decide whether or not we want to move or stay put. Lots of thinking going on around here...

I'm praying for... Friends and family who are sick and not well. Guidance on what we should do, and that we stay healthy.

I'm cooking... A new cajun chicken pasta dish from Skinny Taste. It was pretty good but I would like to play with it some more. This is the first one I have from there that I wasn't raving about. Don't get me wrong. It was good but I wanted a little more kick so I need to add more spices next time.

I'm reading... Mr. Popper's Penguins and the Bible.

My favorite thing this week... We were filling out our prediction worksheet on how he thinks that Mr. Popper's Penguins will end... Take a look below to see what he wrote ;)

A picture of our week...

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