Monday, March 7, 2016

Here to Help Learning : Flight 2 Paragraph Writing Review

Here to Help Learning Review
Writing is something that comes pretty easy to me, but Boo Bear is a typical boy. He's not so excited about it, but that changed with the recent review we did on Here to Help Learning. This is a homeschool writing curriculum that is online and provides printables for each lesson.

There are a variety of levels to choose from and it's dependent on which level your writer is at. They offer a paragraph writing curriculum that is Flight 1,2 or 3. There's also the more involved writing curriculum that is Essay Writing and it is also Flight 1,2 or 3.

This was a fun curriculum we visited and he actually enjoyed working on it. That to me is a huge plus as getting him to write anything is difficult. Here's a look at what we received.

What we received:
We received a digital subscription to the Here to Help Learning site. We worked on Flight 2 of the Paragraph writing as I figured he was not quite ready for the Essay lessons yet. The flight pattern was basically choosing what focus you wanted to have during your writing assignments. This one was centered on topics such as where Boo Bear wanted to go or places he'd already been. The program has different topics for each flight and there are several writing projects on each flight.

Here to Help Learning Review
To start off with I printed the teachers guide to make sure I knew what was going on. There's a 20 page guide online that tells you what to expect each day, what the videos and homeschool writing curriculum will go over, the process and so much more. It's full of tools to help your child become a better writer, and some that will even help your writing skills, too!

There are also printable charts for helping your child throughout the writing process. In the beginning of the flight, you're child will learn the steps of the writing process. They go over what to do from start to finish including:
  • Brainstorming their ideas
  • Organizing those ideas
  • Rough drafts
  • Revisions
  • Publication

What a lesson looks like:
Each week your child focuses on their writing two days a week. The first day of the week is the video lesson. This is where the online content comes in. Boo Bear sets up with the computer, his printable sheets for that lesson and gets down to business. Each lesson starts with a pre-flight checklist so you're able to see what is needed for that particular weeks assignment. Your Flight Check-in comes next and that's where you will pause the video and discuss the assignments they did the previous week. We would work together on his writing, talk about any struggles he had and also give out Discovery Tickets. These are tickets you can print from the website and hand out as they turn in work. You can allow them to turn in their tickets for whatever prizes you may have decided on before.

Each flight goes on and works through a new part of the writing process with your children. There are games to play which keep your child engaged and interested. There's the funny addition of Captain Knucklehead which keeps everyone giggling.

The second day of the week is when Boo Bear works on his Flying Solo assignments. This is where they take what they learned in the video and apply it to their writing assignment for that section of the flight. Sometimes Boo Bear wrote it himself and others he would dictate it to me and I'd assist. (remember I said he doesn't like to write?)
Here to Help Learning Review

What we thought:
We both really enjoyed this homeschool writing curriculum. He has more confidence in organizing his ideas and getting them on paper now. I love the fact that the videos help both of us to keep moving along and are exciting and funny. They are positive and upbeat throughout the entire process. It makes the writing process much more interesting and engaging.

I would highly recommend this writing curriculum to anyone with a struggling writer. This helps to make writing fun, enjoyable and you learn every step of the writing process. Coupled along with the memory verse that your child learns along the way, it's a positive and fun experience.

Check out Here to Help Learning on social media below and click the Review Crew banner to see the other experiences had by the Crew.


Here to Help Learning Review

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