Monday, November 16, 2015

And the Award Goes To...

Wow! Can you believe the Crew year is over already? That went by incredibly fast! It's time for the Blue Ribbon Awards that are voted on by the Crew every year. This means I can share some of my favorites with you from the past year and also you can see what others were the top among Crew members.

2015 Schoolhouse Review Crew Blue Ribbon Awards
So without further ado, here are my top favorites for this year!

Science Category
Our all time favorite for science had to be the Ann McCallum, Eat Your Science Homework book we received. It was so much fun cooking our science and eating it while were learning the facts. It was a lot of fun working with Boo Bear in the kitchen. Especially when he had the light bulb go off on the subjects we were cooking for. ;)

Audio Books
We received several great audio books this year. That was such a blessing as Boo Bear LOVES stories on tape/CD. We listen to them almost every time we get in the car so having new ones was a treat. One of our favorites this year had to be Brinkman Adventures. The stories of real life missionaries and the adventures they went on were quite exciting. It was also awesome to hear how God worked in each and every situation.

Of course, I also loved the Nutcracker from Maestro Classics because this is my favorite ballet of all time. It was very hard to choose just one that we loved!!

Fun Times
For Boo Bears top pick of fun reviews, USAopoly won out. His favorite was Tapple and we have played it several times since reviewing it. We even created our own version of it on the road when we didn't have the game with us.

Online Resource
For me it was the Super Teacher Worksheets we reviewed. I am still using it to print out practice or on the go sheets for us when we need them.

Teacher Resources
Okay. So picking my favorite was really hard. We had some great products this year for the Mama's but this one was probably my favorite :). I LOVE the Homeschool Planet online planner. It is so easy to keep up with his assignments, move them when I need to and have it where ever I need it. I highly recommend it if you're looking for an online planner to keep you together.

These are just a few of our favorite things from this year. Be sure to click the banner above to see what products won and which ones your Crew members voted top picks!

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